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Full Version: Efforts to save the Scottish Capercaillies
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Capercaillies are a large grouse. There numbers are in serious decline in Scotland. A number of things are being done to save them. 
They nest in the forests and people are being encouraged to control their dogs and be careful when they walk through the woods.
Locals are on board with helping the birds and they are working to encourage the tourists to respect the birds as well. 
Mountain bikers who ride through nesting areas are changing their biking times or their routes to protect the birds.
The biggest help to the birds is diversionary feeding. That involves putting out food for predators. The predators eat the readily available food and leave the birds alone.

With everything they are doing, the birds have a good chance of recovering their numbers. When everyone works at a conservation project it has a chance of succeeding. Doing all the different things they are doing plus the cooperation and help from locals in the area give the birds a real chance. I hope the efforts are rewarded by a good breeding season with lots of surviving chicks.