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I consider decorating terrariums to be an art. They need to meet the reptiles needs, but they also need to look attractive.
Each tank needs to be different because the inhabitants of that tank are different.
I have been totally stripping down my tanks and redoing them.
They are hard to photograph, but I am pleased with the results. I think the lizards are pleased and that is what really matters.

My Golden Skink tank
[Image: IMG_0648.JPG]
My Golden Skink
[Image: IMG_0653.JPG]
The Fire Skink on the left and the Pink Tongued Skink on the right
[Image: IMG_0665.JPG]
Spencer the Pink Tongued Skink sleeping.
[Image: IMG_0673.JPG]
Spencer having dinner
[Image: IMG_0683.JPG]
His tongue is pink
[Image: IMG_0687.JPG]
My little 12 year old Berber Skink
[Image: IMG_0655.JPG]
They all get along very well.

My Green Tree Skink tank
[Image: IMG_0666.JPG]
My Green Tree Skink
[Image: IMG_0669.JPG]
My Rusty Sided Rainbow Skink
[Image: IMG_0668.JPG]

My Crocodile Skink tank
[Image: IMG_0727.JPG]
My Crocodile Skink
[Image: IMG_0728.JPG]
There are actually four lizards in this picture.
[Image: IMG_0731.JPG]
My male Crested Gecko
[Image: IMG_0725.JPG]
These are truly works of art, Catherine. A beautiful place for the skinks to live and lovely for you to look at.
What a varied species is the skink. The gecko is a handsome creature too.
Thank-you. I have tried to make the tanks interesting for the lizards and attractive to look at. It is actually a fun thing to do. I do tank tidy-ups a couple of times a year, but this time I even took the soil out and gave them a different mix that I think will be softer and hold the moisture better.

Skinks are my real lizard love. There are over 2,000 kinds so I could not hope to have them all, but I have some interesting ones. I have grouped them according to compatible habits. All of my skinks are rain forest lizards. There are desert skinks, but I have not had one yet.
SWEET!!! These little ones are definitely livin' THE life!!!
Don't you wish you were a terrarium skink. I gave them their crickets this morning before I had my breakfast.

I do a mini makeover every year, but this was the big makeover where I removed the soil and everything and re-did the whole setup.
I think they like the excitement of new things, but I also kept favourite basking spots so the tank would still feel like home.