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Full Version: Petition/online protest to stop the Gadhimai Slaughter Festival in November!
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Hi all, I'm new here.
I just had to share this with everyone, because it breaks my heart.

Something terrible is going to happen next month - the brutal "Gadhimai Slaughter Festival".

Every 5 years, a disturbing cruel slaughter takes place in Nepal, known as the "Gadhami Slaughter Festival".
Each time it takes place, around 250,000 animals are confined to a small area from which they can not escape, and brutally hacked to death with sharp blades.

These poor innocent trusting animals suffer a slow and extremely painful death.
News of this terrible slaughter has spread, internationally animal welfare advocates have spoken out against it. This year, there are more people, groups and organisations that are not willing to sit back and let this cruelty happen.

Before such terrible suffering happens again, please sign Compassion In World Farming's (CIWF) petition to stop this disgusting slaughter from happening.

Please click here: to sign the petition. Please ask your family and friends to sign.

Also, Compassion In World Farming is going to be holding a one hour long peaceful gathering/rally in London on Saturday 11th October to hand in the petition and tell the Nepalese Government they MUST stop funding this festival and take action to stop it altogether. Me and my boyfriend will be there!

If you live in/around London and you are free on that day to spare one hour, the charity would love as many animal lovers as possible to come along and show their support.

If you can not come along but would love to be there in spirit - you can download and print out an A4 placard from this page (or make your own): and email a photo of you holding it to:
They will print your photo to take to the protest, and deliver it to the Nepalese embassy so they'll know you were there in spirit!

Thank you so much guys,
Welcome to the Forum. I am always glad when new members post things.

Thank-you for bringing this to our attention. I have never heard of the Gadhimai Slaughter Festival. It sounds brutal and no country should allow such an event to continue.
I hope all the various petitions and protests have some influence on the Nepalese government. I wish I could join you in London, but I am in Canada and it is a bit far away. We do have members in Britain. Hopefully some can make it. Certainly signing the petitions helps.

I can't get the links you posted to work. I did find the Compassion in World Farming web site. I will check out some of their material. There is a slow, but steady shift towards kinder more humane farming. It is slow, but it seems to be happening all over.

I did find a site that details the killing and give some background for those of us who have never heard of it.
Many of us are no longer able to tolerate such cruelty and when enough people feel that way things will have to change. It is so important that we keep up the pressure.
Please keep us posted about this issue.
Catherine - thank you for letting me know the links didn't work - I've corrected them both now. They both work fine.

Thank you so much for posting this Janay.
I had no idea until I read your post that this so-called 'festival' has been happening. How any people or nation could consider mass slaughter, fear and terror as a good idea for a beyond comprehension.

I have signed of course.

Greetings and welcome to our forum, Janay.
I followed the corrected links and signed the petition. I hope the Oct 11 rally goes well.
The link I posted has a movie about the "festival" which of course I watched last night. No wonder I am so sleep deprived.

I am stunned by the ...... the whole thing. I can't even find words.
These people come together and brutally kill thousands of animals. Do they go home afterwards and live normal lives for the next five years before they come together and do it again. I find that hard to believe.
What about the children who were present. How are they after all that violence. I suppose they grow up and become killers of animals.

How is it possible that this goes on in the 21st century. How is it possible that no one there looks around them and says "What are we doing, stop the madness".
I don't even want to comment on the fact that this is supposedly being done in the name of religious tradition. Is it possible to believe that a Creator of life, would actually want so much death. It is insanity.
Thank you for the kind welcome. x When I have a bit more time, I'll introduce myself properly on the newbies forum.

Thank you so much for signing - since I found out about this "festival" a day hasn't gone by that it hasn't been on my mind. It just makes me so sad.

I am completely shocked that a slaughter of this magnitude goes on and people accept it as normal. I suppose it is because it is so big that it continues. If one person killed one animal, they would be stopped. But when many people kill thousands of animals, it is considered normal.

I can't stop thinking about it either. I think what I feel is outrage.
I just signed, too. I had not heard of this appalling so-called festival. I will return to this thread later when I have more time, but suffice it to say that the cruelty and suffering caused are appalling.

A very warm welcome to the forum! I have given you some reputation for starting this thread and making us aware of this issue.
I wonder if there is any chance of stopping this years festival. I hope there is enough public pressure to at least change some things.

Good idea about the reputation. I never even thought about it. It seems that two heads are better than one.
Thank you so much for the reputation LPC (and the welcome).

It would be wonderful if we could stop the killings from taking place this year and save the animals that are already being lined up this year to suffer this terrible fate - that is really what I am hoping and praying for.

But if this terrible "festival" does take place again this year, at least animal lovers around the world know that we are highlighting this cruelty worldwide, causing more and more outcry from caring people around the world who's hearts are with these animals.

I'm hoping and sending out as much positive energy for the safety of these poor animals as possible.

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