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Full Version: What if we cared about ecology like we care about sports
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This is so well done and it makes an important point.
Most people do not put the environment first. I get excited about eco-issues, but not like I do for the final game of Olympic Hockey when Canada is one shot off of a Gold Medal.

I love the guy with the green hair.

In my defence, yes I got really excited that I got to touch a gold medal from women's hockey, Salt Lake City, but I also planted trees on my vacation. It is how I celebrated turning 60. What is interesting is the response I get when I tell people about it.
Maybe many people are distracted in life. away from first principles. There are all sorts of things to distract us from the nitty-gritty things of life.

Our environment -and the World's environment directly affects people, as well as all creatures here. Without that there'd BE no sport!

I used to like tennis and long distance running....Have forgotten how to 'serve' properly now....but can still run like blazes especially when something's chasing me! LOL!
People are out of touch with the important things. That is why I love the video. It seems funny, but then it doesn't. We should care more about nature. This is the only planet we have got.

I keep talking about the trees I planted for my birthday. It gives me a chance to send a message about the importance of trees and I am learning a lot about people by their response to my tree planting. I have even said "I just planted four trees, so go ahead and breath".
Responses are funny and sad, but maybe it will make some people think.
Of course I do have friends who get it. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised by a response.

Maybe we need game shirts for trees and plants. I would wear a Bee shirt. The green hair is pretty good too.