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Ages ago I posted about the idea of Cat Café, a coffee shop in Toronto that would have resident cats. You would get to enjoy a cup of coffee with a cat purring on your lap. I like the idea.
There have been some glitches.

I hope they keep trying to sort things out so that there can be a whole lot of cat cafes.
This is such a good idea, to give the cats looking for a new home, some great exposure. I hope the kitty-cafes do very well. It's good that one cafe has already re-homed 10 cats.

It's fairly typical that some landlords are against the idea. Even here it's not always easy to rent somewhere to live which allows animals. Yet small children can easily cause as much wear-and-tear in an apartment as a dog or cat can. I think it's a shame.
I have never had a pet damage a place, but the tenant who lived above me wrecked his place. He cut a hole in the wall to see what was inside it. The floors and everything had to be replaced.
People two floors above me did so much damage in three months that the whole place had to be repainted. No pet could do that much damage.
A cat café would be a busy place and a nice addition to the neighbourhood. I hope it all works out.
I am ashamed to say I laughed at that! It is vaguely funny....
....Cut a hole in the wall to see what was inside
But not so funny for those who had to fix things....
I have a friend who rented his previous house out to tenants. They were apparently, a bit of a wild bunch. When they left, I volunteered to help him do up the place. When we went in, it was a scene of complete devastation. Those people had kept a dog, and it became obvious they kept the dog shut in one room most of the time. The room was covered in excrement. Not just on the floor, but over the walls and window-sills. It was quite heartbreaking, both for my friend, and for the dog.
I told him he must report those people to the RSPCA.
He sat and wept. This had been his family home.
I told him to go and get drunk, leave me alone, and come back the next day. I cleaned up the room until it squeaked.
Quote:I am ashamed to say I laughed at that! It is vaguely funny....
....Cut a hole in the wall to see what was inside

It is funny, I laugh when I think about it. What was he thinking?
Another tenant got upset and drunk and started kicking in walls. I didn't want to get him in trouble so I told him I would call the police if he didn't stop right away. I calmed him down and the next day I had him call the Landlord and they sorted things out. It was still easily repaired because I reacted so quickly.

I feel for your friend. I am glad you were able to make things right for him. The poor dog must have been terribly neglected. I hope things worked out for the dog.
I just can't understand people who wreck other people's property. They live there so why wouldn't they want things to be nice?

Cats in a coffee shop would be a much better bet than some tenants.