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The Animal Shelter Garden - Catherine - 07-04-2015

Every so often I mention that I am doing a garden for the Toronto Humane Society. I started three years ago and it has come a long way. Here are some photos so you can see how it has progressed.

[Image: IMG_20150629_174942188.jpg]
You can see that the roses I planted have done very well. If I had known they would all survive I wouldn't have put them so close together.
[Image: IMG_20150629_174954118.jpg]
You can't see it, but there is baby milkweed in the seemingly empty spaces. There are a number of mature milkweed plants so I am ready if the Monarch Butterflies arrive.
[Image: IMG_20150629_175001113.jpg]
There are still many things I want to do, but there is lots of colour and variation. I even have a few things that will stay green all winter. I want the garden to look interesting all year long.

This is the "rooftop" garden. I have been asked if I can take it over as well.(I thought they would never ask.) When they built the cat section of the shelter on the "roof" they left a courtyard so cats could safely go outside. They moved all the cats upstairs so they are away from the clinic and the dogs and the noise of the streets. People who want cats go upstairs and see them in a calm setting.
[Image: IMG_20150629_142037937.jpg]
There are big planted containers on the rooftop. The windows are the cat area. The cats get natural light and they can see outside.
[Image: IMG_20150629_142049026_HDR.jpg]
Those are strawberries around the tree. The shelter animals can eat fresh strawberries all summer long.
[Image: IMG_20150629_142108210.jpg]
There is not much planted in these containers yet, just a little parsley. I have cleaned them up and brought some mint for one container. It makes the area fragrant. We need to get some veggies growing and more herbs. I am going to enjoy this garden. It is completely different and it gets good sun. Maybe I should plant some sun flowers. I will keep you posted.

RE: The Animal Shelter Garden - Tobi - 07-05-2015

Oh Catherine....I love what you have done here. You have done some lovely work on those gardens. The cat area looks very nice too. Is the rooftop garden 'cat secure' so they can mooch about outside if they want to, without danger of jumping off?

It's always wise to put mint in a container, or it takes over completely.
I have had a thought....can you plant Catnip? The cats will definitely thank you for it!

RE: The Animal Shelter Garden - Catherine - 07-05-2015

Thank-you. I have loved working on the garden. I noticed a lot of insects and birds enjoying the garden. In particular I saw fledglings being fed by their mothers. It has become a life filled green space and it is bright and cheerful as well.

The rooftop container garden has just become my responsibility. The area is enclosed so they can let cats out there. They take whole litters of kittens out and give them some playtime.
The trees need to be trimmed so cats can't climb out and get on the roof.

I put the mint in one of the smaller containers so it can't spread anywhere else. Catnip would be great. I hope I can get some plants.
I need herbs and things that are cat friendly, but hopefully edible by the shelter guinea pigs. It is too late to plant from seed this year, but next spring I can plant lettuce and spinach and a whole lot of veggies. I want flowers as well. It should look pretty and it should be fragrant. It is hot and sunny so I can grow herbs that I can't grow in my own shade garden at home. I think Basil and Marjoram would be a pleasant addition. I am going to check out the garden centre and see what is still available.

RE: The Animal Shelter Garden - Tobi - 07-06-2015

There is plenty of Marjoram growing in Sally's garden (the cat I look after) and it poses no issues for her. She is uninterested in it and doesn't ever nibble it.
Lavender might be a nice plant. Certainly cats will avoid it but even if they accidentally ingest some it won't really hurt them. But it prefers full sun to do well.
How about a wild strawberry? Totally harmless for cats (they will show no interest in it but again even if they accidentally nibble, it won't hurt them) and I should think Guinea Pigs would like it? Wild strawberry will of course, put runners out and completely take over wherever it is planted, but the fruits are lovely. Nasturtiums are a blaze of colour for ages in the summer, even more so when they are dead-headed. They are good food for people! Guinea Pigs I am sure can eat them. Bees love them. Cats avoid them and aren't interested!
Yes, veggies will be wonderful for the piggies! And if there might be too much plain green -Lettuces and cabbage come in all sorts of colours and shapes, and there are also purple cauliflowers as well as broccoli!

RE: The Animal Shelter Garden - Catherine - 07-06-2015

Quote:There is plenty of Marjoram growing in Sally's garden (the cat I look after) and it poses no issues for her. She is uninterested in it and doesn't ever nibble it.
Lavender might be a nice plant. Certainly cats will avoid it but even if they accidentally ingest some it won't really hurt them. But it prefers full sun to do well.
How about a wild strawberry? Totally harmless for cats (they will show no interest in it but again even if they accidentally nibble, it won't hurt them) and I should think Guinea Pigs would like it? Wild strawberry will of course, put runners out and completely take over wherever it is planted, but the fruits are lovely. Nasturtiums are a blaze of colour for ages in the summer, even more so when they are dead-headed. They are good food for people! Guinea Pigs I am sure can eat them. Bees love them. Cats avoid them and aren't interested!
Yes, veggies will be wonderful for the piggies! And if there might be too much plain green -Lettuces and cabbage come in all sorts of colours and shapes, and there are also purple cauliflowers as well as broccoli!

One whole container is strawberries with a tree in the middle. There is fruit. I couldn't find and Marjoram, but I can check other garden centres.
I might be able to get Lavender. I love the way it smells and you are right, cats will leave it alone.
I have basil, savoury, oregano and tarragon. I also got some catnip plants and "cat grass", it might be oats, but it is safe for cats to chew on. There were kale and collard plants and a little parsley, but not much else. The guinea pigs will eat kale and collards. I want to get something growing for this year.

I picked up a pretty yellow rose for the main garden. It is a landscaping rose so it should be hardy. Weather permitting I will plant everything tomorrow.