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Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Printable Version

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Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Ruth - 11-11-2015

Heart The 2015 animal rights gallop poll shows an increase in Americans concern for animals. Here is the article:

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Tobi - 11-11-2015

These are very interesting statistics Ruth. The results of that poll do show there is increasing concern for animals' welfare and rights, generally. It is very positive.

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Ruth - 11-11-2015

Yes, it is good news that people are starting to care more. I wish more did but it will take time.

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Catherine - 11-11-2015

The statistics are very hopeful.  They show a definite shift in thinking.

Clearly the various animal rights groups and the documentaries like Blackfish  have had an impact on people's thinking. The more aware they are the more they care.   That means it is worth it to sign petitions and support causes. 

I think in our lifetime we will see some major changes.  First will be no more animals in circuses and shows. I think next will be no more testing of cosmetics on animals. Some parts of the world have already moved in this direction.

I think we can hope for a change in the standards for farm animals. This will need a lot of work and a lot of pressure on the food industry, but change can happen.

I want to live long enough to look back in horror at the things we did, from a world where we no longer do them.

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Ruth - 11-11-2015

I don't know if I will live long enough to see a drastic change in people's concern for all animals. I do sign petitions on Facebook all the time. I'm glad is does help some.

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Catherine - 11-12-2015

We have seen some major improvements even in the time that has passed since we started the Forum. 

Last year we were upset about the Gadhimai slaughter. Now the next one has been banned. You could look up the threads about the subject. Before the event we had no way of knowing that it would be the last one.
The change came faster than I expected.

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Ruth - 01-30-2016

So glad a change has come!

RE: Gallop Poll Shows Animals Rights Ideas - Catherine - 01-30-2016

Over all there is a change in people's thinking. It is not unusual to find people who care about animals. We are no longer an odd fringe group with weird ideas. Caring about animals has gone mainstream.

A lot more change is needed, but things have shifted in the right direction.