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A website doing the unthinkable! - Printable Version

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A website doing the unthinkable! - Ruth - 04-06-2016

There is a website that has pictures of dogs with their mouth taped shut.  These people are sick!

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Tobi - 04-07-2016

I got an 'error 404' for that link, Ruth. But I would think that an email to the server of that website could possibly get it shut down quickly....? I will do some delving this evening.

Yet meanwhile the perpetrators are presumably still doing those things to dogs! We need to find them report them to animal welfare, and the police, and get this stopped. It is just possible an email to the server of that website might help. They certainly WILL have a record of who those people are. But I am sure it will have more effect coming from the police....

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Ruth - 04-07-2016

I just tried the link and it worked for me. The link is to a site who is denouncing what the other site is doing to dogs.

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Catherine - 04-07-2016

The link is broken for me too, but you can find the site at
I can't find the petition about the dogs.  Maybe someone has already acted on it. If it were reported to the police they would have to act quickly. The animal cruelty site would have been shut down very quickly.

Somehow this idea of taping animals mouths shut has spread. Once one person did it others have copied it.  There need to be severe penalties for such actions. It is the only way to stop it.

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Ruth - 04-07-2016

I agree!

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Catherine - 04-08-2016

At least with the internet we can get information out quickly. Animal abusers post pictures, but they get noticed and acted on immediately.
Now if only the courts were so swift and determined.

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Catslave. - 04-08-2016

This sort of thing makes me feel sick.

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Ruth - 04-09-2016

It makes me feel sick, too, catslave.

RE: A website doing the unthinkable! - Catherine - 04-09-2016

I don't know who first had the idea of taping an animals mouth shut, but now there are many copy cats.

They really need to have harsh sentences for such crimes.
Sadly there is no balance in the sentencing.  Some minor crime can get a big sentence while an animal abuser or even a child killer can get a couple of years.  Worse they are out on parole a year later.

We need to keep demanding justice for abused animals.