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Protect your pet for Halloween - Printable Version

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Protect your pet for Halloween - Catherine - 10-27-2016

I found a good list of ways to protect your pet for Halloween and what dangers to look for.
 It can be a stressful holiday for some pets. Taking a few precautions can make a big difference.

I didn't know about the dangers of glow sticks. I knew chocolate is dangerous. I hope many animals are spared trouble because of lists like this.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Tobi - 10-28-2016

Great post Catherine!

In England people also let off fireworks for Halloween.
Even if their own dogs/cats are inside or are not scared of fireworks, it's wise to think of neighbours, and inform them first if there's going to be a fireworks party, so they can secure their animals.

Horses are often even more scared than some dogs. A few years ago a neighbour of mine was frantic, as someone had a big fireworks party, and didn't let them know. Her horse was hysterical, and one of her dogs so terrified he leapt the fence! Luckily, they found him just after dawn sitting by the side of a road about a mile away. He was obviously, overjoyed to come home for breakfast and sleep the day away.
But it could have had a very tragic ending.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Catherine - 10-28-2016

There are often tragic endings from what should be happy times. Any of the big celebrations with noise and fireworks can be hard on animals in the area. I never thought about horses. They can get so scared that they hurt themselves. Lots of dogs go missing. It would be best to keep them all inside on nights like Halloween.

Of course inside there are the dangers of candy that is toxic to dogs. Animals can eat foil wrappers and get sick as well.

As always be careful and have a fun Halloween.

Somehow I don't think I will dress up any of my animals. If I have time to make something I could make new guinea pig pillows instead of a costume.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Ruth - 11-04-2016

I bet the piggies will enjoy the pillows. I don't give Suzy candy or sweets but do give her fruit that is okay for her to have. She loves fruit and veggies.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Tobi - 11-04-2016

I never gave my Misty any sweets either Ruth. I am quite surprised at some people who let their dogs have sweets!
But just sometimes -and very rarely -I would let her have a 'lick' of honey from my finger. Usually though, honey was reserved for if she was recovering from something, or a medicinal reason.
But like Suzy, Misty also liked fruit and veggies! She didn't care for banana, but liked apples very much. She occasionally ate a bit of pear but preferred apples. She liked all veg. except lettuce! I never tried her with tomatoes though, and of course, never gave her avocado. But she liked....French beans, cabbage, Kale, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, etc.....

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Tobi - 11-04-2016

5th November is "Bonfire Night" in the UK. So for the UK, here we go again!
I don't know if people celebrate it in the same way nowadays as they used to, but it was always a party for everyone, with treacle toffee, a special sticky cake made with oatmeal and syrup, called "Parkin" (lovely cake!), toffee apples, baked potatoes....etc.
And of course, huge fires, and fireworks. A triple-whammy of dangerous possibilities for animals. Terrible for hedgehogs and other wildlife which may have sought shelter in piles of wood, collected sometimes for weeks to make the bonfire.
Terrible for pets too. Hardly any animal is going to enjoy bonfire night. People would keep their dogs and cats indoors on 5th November.

(A safe way for wildlife who may seek shelter for winter in wood piles is: keep the wood for the bonfire in another area. Then gradually remove it (get some careful strong teenagers who don't mind hauling logs!) -to put it in the place where the fire will be. That way, they can check for hedgehogs, grass snakes.....and other creatures will be able to get away and won't be burned alive.)

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Catherine - 11-04-2016

Quote:(A safe way for wildlife who may seek shelter for winter in wood piles is: keep the wood for the bonfire in another area. Then gradually remove it (get some careful strong teenagers who don't mind hauling logs!) -to put it in the place where the fire will be. That way, they can check for hedgehogs, grass snakes.....and other creatures will be able to get away and won't be burned alive.)

I sure hope they do that. We do so many things that are hard on animals, wild and pets.  Your bonfire night is as dangerous as Halloween and even more so because of the fires.

Any time we have treats we need to be careful. So much of what we eat is very bad for our pets, but our candy is the worst. Much of it is bad for us, it is worse for our pets because they are so much smaller and the amount of sugar hits them harder.

I hope you  get through bonfire night safely.  I hope Sally Cat doesn't get scared off by the noise.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Tobi - 11-05-2016

Sally-cat hates fireworks. She was tucked up in bed on Halloween with Mozart playing beside her, and me there too. And a firework went off a distance away. She growled, got out of bed and through her cat door and disappeared. There was nothing I could do. No sign of her (though she was okay as usual the next morning.)
However, she must have endured many Halloweens and Bonfire Nights even before I knew her, and it doesn't seem to have done her any damage!

She is not like Misty who didn't care. Misty didn't mind gunshots, fireworks or anything, even close by (such as when we were in the woods once and someone started shooting close to us). She just hated swear-words.

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Catherine - 11-05-2016

Quote:She is not like Misty who didn't care. Misty didn't mind gunshots, fireworks or anything, even close by (such as when we were in the woods once and someone started shooting close to us). She just hated swear-words.
Misty was a gracious lady in her own way, if impolite language was not to her liking. You really could have taken her to a fancy ball and she would have behaved beautifully. She even liked the right kind of music.

It is odd that Sally Cat left her safe home when disturbed by fireworks. Unless she went to see who did it. I would have expected her to hiss and crawl under a blanket. She is odd, even for a cat. Smiley4

RE: Protect your pet for Halloween - Tobi - 11-06-2016

Haha! Yes I know...Sally went outside where it was much more fearsome than tucked up in her bed listening to Mozart!
I understand what that is all about. She wanted to be outside because outside she can flee if necessary, whereas in a room, in a bed, she is enclosed and can't get away. It's just an instinct, though illogical to human observers!
Cats are much wilder than dogs so they do things in a wild way. A dog would think a bit more like a human, and realise they were happier and safer inside. Dogs generally are more likely to take their cue from us, but cats behave more like wild animals.

Oh dear Misty would have graced any Grand Ball, especially when wearing her turquoise necklace!  81 She was gracious and well behaved in situations with humans. And if she had needed to go out to do anythng 'natural' she had a way of letting me know in very good time.
Unfortunately humans didn't believe me..... But I would rather have been with her in a cardboard box if necessary than at any Grand Ball without her Smiley4