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Poor frogs! - Printable Version

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Poor frogs! - LPC - 03-10-2017

Oh dear, humans are again up to their thoughless and cruel practices....This is bizarre, but also quite disturbing. Someone either bred these frogs or (more likely) collected them from the wild - and then dumped them in a sealed plastic bag in a car park:

What had these poor frogs done to deserve such cruel treatment? Once again, I despair of some humans.

RE: Poor frogs! - Catherine - 03-10-2017

It is very fortunate that the frogs were found in time. Sadly not in time for the two who died, but it could have been worse.

I agree this is very bizarre. Considering how endangered most frogs are it is also horrifying.
How frightening for the frogs to be caught and placed in a bag like that. If it had been warmer or colder they would have all died. If they had been there longer more would have been killed.

Why would anyone commit such a senseless act of cruelty?

I hope they can catch whoever did this, but it is unlikely that they will.

RE: Poor frogs! - Tobi - 03-11-2017

I can't imagine what was going on with that person/people who dumped those frogs, or wrapped them in a plastic bag in the first place! Were they collecting them to sell them I wonder? Some people may try that, to target houses with ornamental ponds etc...or maybe for a pet shop? But then -why dump them in a car park?
Thank goodness they were saved....all but two anyway. I hope they will be happy now in a proper environment.

RE: Poor frogs! - Catherine - 03-11-2017

There are just too many odd things like this. What is the matter with people. The things they do are so stupid and senseless.
We can't afford to lose one frog. They  are so effected by the ecological damage we have done. We need to be doing anything possible to help frogs survive.