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Looking at baby animals makes your mind sharper - Printable Version

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Looking at baby animals makes your mind sharper - Catherine - 04-04-2017

So enjoy the pictures and you're welcome for the mental boost they provide.

I don't know if I feel smarter, but I am smiling after looking at the pictures.

RE: Looking at baby animals makes your mind sharper - Tobi - 04-07-2017

Aww! How sweet.

It might be that the task the researchers constructed had to do with attention to detail and care when 'operating'. It's possible that those who looked at baby animals first applied more care and precision to their task, from a nurturing instinct?

RE: Looking at baby animals makes your mind sharper - Catherine - 04-07-2017

Quote:It might be that the task the researchers constructed had to do with attention to detail and care when 'operating'. It's possible that those who looked at baby animals first applied more care and precision to their task, from a nurturing instinct?
That could be the answer. Or is it that baby animals make s feel good and when we feel good we do better.
It is a possibility.

Whatever the cause, animals, babies and adults make us feel good. Cute pictures are fun and fun is good for you.