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The end of a dog's life, palliative care for pets - Printable Version

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The end of a dog's life, palliative care for pets - Catherine - 12-15-2018

This is a beautiful article about the decision to keep a pet alive and provide palliative care rather than euthanasia. 
It isn't always possible to do this, but for the dog Mason it worked out. He was given good supportive medical care and had some good quality years of life before he died peacefully at home.

It is fortunate that his owner could do this. Those last years would have been very special because he knew his dog was dying.
Sadly if an animal's suffering is acute then palliative care is not an option. Euthanasia is the only merciful choice. 
However when a pet has a condition that is serious, but can be maintained at least for a while, then palliative care is a good choice. It is not always possible because the owners circumstances might not allow for it, but it would be a loving experience to give a beloved pet some beautiful last days in the time they have left.

RE: The end of a dog's life, palliative care for pets - Tobi - 12-16-2018

Mason was lucky to have those years of care at home.
There's a saying that "it's better to put them too sleep too quickly, than too late"...but I have very mixed feelings about that. Of course we don't want them to linger, suffering when there is no hope. But hospice care at home for end of life animals is a very good idea, when it can be done devotedly.
Towards the end change can come any minute, so it is important to be watchful all the time.
But many animals have decent quality of life even though they are terminally-ill. Those last days or weeks can be filled with some happiness, as they prepare to leave the world, so long as they are not in pain or distress, and can eat, sleep, go out to do their business, walk a little etc.
In Mason's case he had years. I am so glad they didn't give up on his life, and gave him that special time with palliative care.

RE: The end of a dog's life, palliative care for pets - Catherine - 12-16-2018

End of life  decisions are not easy. Many peopke do give up the moment they realize their pet is dying. I think the process of death can be special and the time spent with a dying pet is precious. Each case is different, but I would want my pets to have those last years, months, days or whatever is possible. 
I have brought home animals so that they could die peacefully with me. They may have missed out on so much in their lives, but their last days can be filled with love and care.

I have euthanized animals, but not often. I have always asked if I could keep the animal comfortable at home. Sometimes that option is not possible. I would never want an animal to suffer.