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120 birds found dead in Victoria, Australia - Printable Version

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120 birds found dead in Victoria, Australia - Catherine - 09-07-2019

Such a large number of birds dead in a small area is alarming. Many of them were birds of prey and they were found on one property. The cause of death still has to be determined, but poison is suspected. These are protected birds and there are fines  and charges if they can determine that someone did this. There can even be jail time.

If it was a deliberate act then someone needs to be charged. That may be hard to prove, but it has to be done.
However poisons are being used to kill unwanted, unprotected animals. Once poison is put out there, there is no way to control where it ends up. It is just as possible that the birds were not the intended target. 

It is also possible that the poison is some kind of  industrial waste or pesticide or something that we routinely put into the environment without a thought for the consequences. However it happened, 120 beautiful birds have been lost at a time when the survival of some species is at risk. Deliberate or accidental, the results are the same. Poisons need to be more strictly controlled and even banned. It is the only way to protect the environment from things like this.