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The Iberian Lynx numbers increase - Printable Version

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The Iberian Lynx numbers increase - Catherine - 05-30-2021

The Iberian Lynx is endangered and in 2002 there were less than 100. Now there are 1,111 Lynx. In 2020 there were 414 Lynx born. It was the best year ever.
It doesn't mean that they are out of danger, but it does mean there is hope of their survival.

This is yet another conservation success story. When we stop actively killing a species and give it a chance, the species makes a comeback.
Now if only we could stop killing species before they reach the critical point. When we take things close to the edge we risk losing the whole species.
We nearly lost the Iberian Lynx. It is time we learned to let animals live and thrive on this planet with us. There is room for all of us and there is a need for all of us.
Losing even one species is one loss too many.