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Taking your pet on vacation - Printable Version

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Taking your pet on vacation - Catherine - 08-03-2014

So I am not the only one who would like to take my pets with me on vacation. It seems many people in England are of the same mind.

I can understand wanting your pet with you enough to let that influence the choice of where you go. I miss my guys when I go away.

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Cibach - 08-03-2014

Having piggies is the main reason we haven't had more than 2 days away since we got them. I know that Suzy at the rescue would have them for us but she is usually so full that I feel it would be too much of an imposition. Beside, we would miss them too much!!

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - LPC - 08-03-2014

When Puce was with us we used to take her with us on the Eurotunnel. The advantage is that pets and humans travel together, in the car, within a train carriage, and the travel time is only a little more than a half hour. We stayed with my sons, so accommodation was no problem.

But we haven't been away from our house for years now....but not on account of pets, but because my mother is so frail and cannot be left!

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Tobi - 08-04-2014

Misty and I didn't do much travelling. We covered a lot of ground each day though, on pretty long treks, and discovered new places (which I suppose is a kind of vacation for a dog! New sniffs.... LOL) Besides, our landscapes are places many people COME TO for their vacations!

She loved going in the car, but wasn't a great long-haul traveller. She wanted to be outside, on four legs running about. Long car rides, or train journeys were an endurance for her really.

I did take her to the north of England a few times though, and she did like that, but was always glad to be home again when our week/2 weeks were over. I took her to my mother's house, and there were great walks and fields. Then after my mother passed I booked a holiday cottage and we went together to visit my aunt. Of course, the cottage had to be a 'dogs welcome' accommodation!

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Catherine - 08-04-2014

I don't travel much. I don't like to leave my pets. I miss them and when I have travelled it has been a major stress for me.

The people I know who really like to travel, don't have pets. I would rather have the pets and I think I am not all that interested in travelling. Still it would be nice to take my pets on a vacation. I wonder if any of them would want to go?

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Tobi - 08-04-2014

You never know -they might! I once baby-sat 2 Boa Constrictors, then when the caretaker came back he said "Shall we take them for an afternoon out?" He put them in a hessian sack. They were quite happy, and I carried them with me, and we all went to a special 'garden' in the town. The proprietors didn't mind us bringing the snakes, and the 2 snakes had a very lovely time....investigating new smells...having a swim in some shallow water....They seemed very content but interested in the new surroundings.
That was a short vacation, but they very much enjoyed themselves!

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Catherine - 08-04-2014

I took 5 of my corn snakes to our local street festival. They were part of the Reptile Centre display. They were seen and handled by many people. The one day we were out there in the pouring rain. They loved it.
I took five so that I could have one out at a time and the others could rest. They seemed to enjoy the attention. After all hundreds of people kept saying how beautiful they are. Animals know when they are being praised. It was a vacation for them.
Truthfully, I enjoyed the days too. Yes it was work to answer questions and be part of a display, but I loved being there with my snakes.

I used to take my bearded dragon for a walk. I should take the new beardie, Eric out for some sunshine. He might like it.

I could picture you taking two Boas out. They would love a swim.

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Tobi - 08-05-2014

If the snakes/reptiles don't mind and are sociable, then I think it's a very good thing for people to meet them and get to know them. It helps to get rid of prejudices some people have about them.

RE: Taking your pet on vacation - Catherine - 08-05-2014

We really work at helping people get over their fear of snakes. It is really good to see the look on someone's face when they touch a snake for the first time. They do not expect how soft and smooth they feel. Of course I took my five most social corn snakes because I knew they would enjoy the event. The Reptile Centre has a set of snakes and lizards that they keep for public displays.

Our booth was the busiest for the whole festival. People were still there hours after every one else had gone home.

One young girl was scared of snakes. She kept coming back, first to touch and then after many tries, she was photographed holding a corn snake. Jack really liked her and she felt better about herself for overcoming a fear.