03-26-2014, 04:44 AM
Animal Lovers Web Forums
Forum Rules
A warm welcome to everyone.
In order to keep Animal Lovers Web Forums a pleasant environment for our members and guests, we ask that certain rules should be respected.
1) Advertising:
While we would encourage those who have personal creative projects they may wish to share on this website, those who wish to use these forums for the advertising of commercial products generally, are not encouraged. If you have written a book, or website, made a video or movie, about animals, you are welcome to post about these projects, and/or add a link to your website/project in your personal 'signature' (which will appear at the end of your posts) as they may interest our readers. Likewise, certain commercial products deemed to be of interest to animal lovers MAY SOMETIMES be allowed to be included. The final decision about all posts/links seen to be advertising is at the discretion of our Administration and Moderation Team. Any advertising considered inappropriate will be deleted. Disrespect of this rule may result in a member being banned from our Forums.
2) Solicitation of funds:
We do not allow personal solicitation of funds for any reason. As it is impossible for us to tell if a member asking for personal donations for a cause, is genuine, or a scam, we have decided to blanket-ban all such posts. This is to keep our members and guests safe. Any such posts will be deleted, and the member given a polite warning, in the first instance. Any further posts of such nature by the member receiving the warning, will result in an outright ban.
Any member asking for members to PM (Private Message) them, to make payments off-site, or through Paypal, or any other payment scheme, will receive a warning. Repeat instances will result in an outright ban from participation in our Forums.
3) Donations to Charities:
We have a special section for Animal Charities, and any Charity, or person supporting that Charity is welcome to post in that section, giving links to the Charity's website. All legitimate Charities will have a website, contact numbers and address, Charity Registration Numbers, and secure payment facilities for donations. Anyone posting a call for donations, to a website which does not appear to have these things, may have their post deleted, at the discretion of our Administration/Moderation Team.
4) Petitions:
A member may post TWO petitions per week.
5) Respect for other members:
Nasty or unkind posts, posts which are deliberately argumentative, bullying, or hurtful to another member will be removed, and the member or guest given a formal warning. A recurrence of such behaviour will lead to an outright ban.
6) Inappropriate posts/subjects:
We have a Forum dedicated to Animal Lovers, and animal-related concerns. Any post considered inappropriate will be deleted, and the member will receive a formal warning and/or a ban.
7) Bad Language:
Please...no bad language and swear-words! This is a family-friendly site, and we would like this to be a positive experience for any children who may view, and for their parents.
8) Upsetting pictures/graphic details:
Please do not post upsetting pictures or posts with graphic or gruesome detail. Obviously, in some instances, petitions can lead to sites where images of cruelty are seen. But clicking on those sites is at members' discretion. Please do not post them directly here.
9) "Spam"
No spamming. Any member who posts 'Spam' will be instantly banned, and their posts deleted. The Administration/Moderation Team may also instantly ban anyone who is discovered to have a prior history of 'Spam' postings, on any other site.
Forum Rules
A warm welcome to everyone.
In order to keep Animal Lovers Web Forums a pleasant environment for our members and guests, we ask that certain rules should be respected.
1) Advertising:
While we would encourage those who have personal creative projects they may wish to share on this website, those who wish to use these forums for the advertising of commercial products generally, are not encouraged. If you have written a book, or website, made a video or movie, about animals, you are welcome to post about these projects, and/or add a link to your website/project in your personal 'signature' (which will appear at the end of your posts) as they may interest our readers. Likewise, certain commercial products deemed to be of interest to animal lovers MAY SOMETIMES be allowed to be included. The final decision about all posts/links seen to be advertising is at the discretion of our Administration and Moderation Team. Any advertising considered inappropriate will be deleted. Disrespect of this rule may result in a member being banned from our Forums.
2) Solicitation of funds:
We do not allow personal solicitation of funds for any reason. As it is impossible for us to tell if a member asking for personal donations for a cause, is genuine, or a scam, we have decided to blanket-ban all such posts. This is to keep our members and guests safe. Any such posts will be deleted, and the member given a polite warning, in the first instance. Any further posts of such nature by the member receiving the warning, will result in an outright ban.
Any member asking for members to PM (Private Message) them, to make payments off-site, or through Paypal, or any other payment scheme, will receive a warning. Repeat instances will result in an outright ban from participation in our Forums.
3) Donations to Charities:
We have a special section for Animal Charities, and any Charity, or person supporting that Charity is welcome to post in that section, giving links to the Charity's website. All legitimate Charities will have a website, contact numbers and address, Charity Registration Numbers, and secure payment facilities for donations. Anyone posting a call for donations, to a website which does not appear to have these things, may have their post deleted, at the discretion of our Administration/Moderation Team.
4) Petitions:
A member may post TWO petitions per week.
5) Respect for other members:
Nasty or unkind posts, posts which are deliberately argumentative, bullying, or hurtful to another member will be removed, and the member or guest given a formal warning. A recurrence of such behaviour will lead to an outright ban.
6) Inappropriate posts/subjects:
We have a Forum dedicated to Animal Lovers, and animal-related concerns. Any post considered inappropriate will be deleted, and the member will receive a formal warning and/or a ban.
7) Bad Language:
Please...no bad language and swear-words! This is a family-friendly site, and we would like this to be a positive experience for any children who may view, and for their parents.
8) Upsetting pictures/graphic details:
Please do not post upsetting pictures or posts with graphic or gruesome detail. Obviously, in some instances, petitions can lead to sites where images of cruelty are seen. But clicking on those sites is at members' discretion. Please do not post them directly here.
9) "Spam"
No spamming. Any member who posts 'Spam' will be instantly banned, and their posts deleted. The Administration/Moderation Team may also instantly ban anyone who is discovered to have a prior history of 'Spam' postings, on any other site.