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Possum rescue
Someone noticed a possum walking in circles. For some time it kept walking in circles. They managed to get the possum into a box and Little Bit Wildlife Rescue was called in.  The rescue was more than an hour's drive away, but they came as fast as they could.
There could have been something seriously wrong with the possum, but he didn't look injured.
An ear infection however was a very real possibility. That is what they treated him for and he is recovering. Soon he will be able to return to the wild.

Well done everyone. The possum clearly had a problem, but everyone involved handled the situation sensibly. They got him is a box so he would be safe.
The rescue tried a treatment that could have helped and it did. Now the possum will be able to return to his normal possum life.
Nobody panicked because of his odd behavior and nobody tried to make him into a pet even though he is so cute.
When you help wildlife the goal has to be to keep the wildlife wild.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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