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Dog meat restaurant in Vietnam closes with the help of Models for Change
Humane Society International has been working in South East Asia to close down the dog meat industry. They created a program called Models for Change.
The program helps those in the dog meat industry to transition to other means of income.

This time it is a slaughterhouse and restaurant in Vietnam that are closing. The owner has run the business for 20 years. With the help of a grant the owner will be running a gas cylinder supply business.

There is still a serious problem with rabies in Vietnam. Shutting down the dog meat industry will be a major step in bringing rabies under control.

It would be wonderful to think of the dog meat industry being shut down. We want to see it happen now!
That is just not how it works. The steady progress of shutting down dog meat farms may be slower, but it is actually working.
Humane Society International has worked steadily for years. They buy out one farmer at a time and help him transition to other forms on income.
The farmers move forward with their new lives and never return to the dog meat industry.

It is a slow and steady progress that one day will see the last dog meat farm shut down. Hopefully with it there will be an end to rabies deaths.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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