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The world's oldest wild bird lays an egg at 74
Wisdom, a Laysan Albatross, is known to be 74 years old. Her last known egg was 4 years ago. She has done it again. At 74, Wisdom has laid an egg.
It is probably her 60th egg. She has been known to have raised at least 30 chicks. Her life partner has not been seen in a few years, but this year she has been interacting with another male. And now there is an egg! Wildlife biologists at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge are confident the egg will hatch.

Both parents take turns incubating the egg for about 7 months. That is commitment. Wisdom has done this many times successfully. So she knows what she is doing. Albatrosses normally live about 68 years. Not only is Wisdom still alive at 74, she has laid an egg. It would be amazing if she does it again.
It is amazing that she is even trying. All we can do is wish her every success and wait 7 months to hear if the egg hatched.
We are all hoping for you Wisdom.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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