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It is raining Iguanas in Florida.
Florida is experiencing a cold spell  and it is snowing. It is also raining Iguanas. Iguanas need warm temperatures, so, when the temperatures fall, so do the Iguanas. They get cold shocked and lose consciousness. Usually they will warm up and wake up just fine as the weather gets warmer. It is recommended that people just leave the Iguanas alone. This happens every year when the weather gets cold.

Poor Iguanas, this happens to them every year. They just can't take the cold. They are adapting, but Florida in too cold for them
Just out of curiosity I checked what the actual temperature is. They are experiencing 11C. It is -11C in Toronto. If it hit 11C right now we would all be running around in shorts and sandals. There is a reason why Florida has an Iguana problem and Toronto does not. 
Hopefully the Iguanas all warm up safely and suffer no harm.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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