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How wildlife survives wildfires
This issue is more complex than you think. Surviving the actual fire is one thing. Many animals have strategies for that. Surviving in the changed landscape after the fire is a whole different problem. Some foods are scarce and some are more readily available. Some plant seeds germinate after exposure to a fire so there is new life and new diversity.

The whole subject of animal survival after a fire needs more study. With number of wildfires the world in experiencing, studying this subject should be possible.
We may find that  our whole understanding of fires and wildlife changes as we understand what really happens. Burned out trees become nesting places for birds.
Rapid new growth provides for pollinators. Biodiversity of plant life is increased after a fire.
Fire is not totally bad. What is bad is the intensity of the fires as a result of climate change and as a result of our fire management practices.
This whole area needs further study.
At least wildlife does survive.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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