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Full Version: Seneca College sends Vet Tech "practice" calves for slaughter
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Seneca College, Ontario has a vet tech program. Each year four calves are purchased for the students to use in training. The calves are treated well, but at the end of the year they are sent for slaughter. This year's students raised $3000.00 to buy the calves and send them to a sanctuary. However before they could buy the calves they were sent back to the farm for slaughter.

The students are upset. After all, they are training as vet techs who will care for animals and not slaughterhouse workers.
They became fairly attached to the calves.

I think it is so callous of the college to discard the calves like that.

Nothing can be done for the calves that were slaughtered, but the college is reviewing its policy for future calves. Dare we hope that they will show some compassion next year?
This is yet another case where publicity via the net helps to change policies. Next year looks hopeful, as the coordinator has promised a review and knows people are watching....
Quote:This is yet another case where publicity via the net helps to change policies. Next year looks hopeful, as the coordinator has promised a review and knows people are watching....
That is what makes this an important story. This college will change its policies and it's students will be more aware in future. They will start questioning what happens to the animals they work with. Students in similar programs in other colleges will take note and ask about the animals they work with.  It will be a gradual process, but change could happen. Up until now Universities and colleges have treated the animals they use as just another piece of equipment. At the end of the year they are spare inventory and can be disposed of. The students at Seneca College have made us aware that the calves they used were real and had feelings and personalities. They cannot go back to being "equipment" again.

Real changes happen when people question how things are done. If the college had let the students buy those 4 calves the story might have died out. Future classes might not become attached to their calves. Because these 4 calves were sent for slaughter the students reacted more strongly and made the story public. Publicity really is a powerful tool for change. I hope there are follow-up stories about college policy changes.
That was a sad end for those poor calves.

But much credit to that group of students! Bless them. They worked hard to try and save the calves. Next year will be a different story. And those people will have helped bring that about I am sure.
It is a sad end for the calves and it is a betrayal. The calves trusted the students and the students trusted the college.
The only way to make this right is the change policies and never treat practice calves that way again. 

I am hoping this changes the students as vet techs. This experience should make them more caring and more aware of how farm animals are treated. Maybe they will question how things are done and ask why it is so cruel and uncaring towards the animals.