Animal Lovers Web Forum

Full Version: Three legged cat gets special hand-made sweaters.
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A little stray cat with a damaged front leg was brought in by a rescue. When the vet examined and X-rayed him, it was determined that the leg had to be amputated. After the surgery he made good recovery and was walking in no time. They made special sweaters, just right for a three legged cat. 
Yes Shiva found a home. The rescuer's mother took him.

Shiva looked like a sad little cat when they rescued him. He wasn't doing well with his damaged leg.
Once the leg was gone he seemed to walk so much better. That leg must have been hurting him and throwing his balance off.
The hand-made sweaters were a nice touch. He really seemed happy with them and they made him look nice.
From an unfortunate injured street animal, He became a beloved pet, with hand-made sweaters.