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Crafters knit for injured Australian animals.
The Animal Rescue Craft Guild has banded together to knit pouches, sew Koala mittens, small animal nests and other needed supplies.
The response has been amazing. Donations have come from places like Italy, England, Hong Kong, Germany and France.

People want to help. If sewing mittens for injured Koalas helps then people all over will do it.
We cannot undo the terrible loss that has taken place, but helping the survivors is at least something.
I am always impressed by how quickly and how much people respond when there is need.  The knitters and crafters of the world are incredible and very hard working. 

The article has interviews with fire fighters as well. They are a dedicated bunch and they are doing the best they can. It is good that they get to tell their stories.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

We've had Canadian,American and New Zealand firefighters turn up to help there are people in England as well making joey pouches,mittens etc, people are wonderful Koalas are now at exctinction level may take years or never recover.
We all feel so helpless. Half a world away a tragedy is unfolding in your country and we can't stop it. Fire fighters from all over want to be there. They want to be doing something to help.
Knitters are trying to do anything they can to help. No one wants to think about the possibility of Koalas going extinct. 
We don't want any animals to go extinct. We are just hoping that there is even a chance that things can be right again.
Even if it takes years for the environment to recover there has to be hope that recovery is possible.
The work of fire fighters, knitters and anyone else involved is really an act of hope. Other species have been on the brink of extinction and somehow were brought back. I guess we are all praying for a miracle. Right now I think we need one.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Now it is not just the knitters and crafters who are helping. One BC Yarn shop is donating wool to anyone knitting for Australian animals.

The wool is produced locally and sold in the shop. The animals need real wool, not synthetic material. Donating the wool is a real help to the people donating their time to producing needed items. It is beautiful to see the response to the disaster in Australia. People want to help.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This is turning into a real operation. I am impressed by how many people are taking part. I am proud of Air Canada for shipping a load for free.

There are a lot of knitters out there. They always seem to rise to the challenge when ever the world needs them.
My Grandmother knitted socks for soldiers during WW2. If she were around she would be knitting for Australia.
Sadly I don't really knit. I will just stand back and be in awe of all the people who do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

No synthetics mostly cotton for their paws knitted is good depending on what it's used for,even the koalas that have been saved have got no habitat to go back to,roos can move around they're nomadic koalas are slow and live in trees a lot harder for them.
The lack of habitat is a serious problem. There must be a real food supply problem for the Koalas too. Other animals can be moved or they can migrate. They can survive on a variety of foods.  Saving the Koalas is a lot harder.  Can they be held in sanctuaries until suitable spaces are found for them? How fast can eucalyptus trees grow back. The ones caught in the fire are not just singed are they. I am guessing the fire destroyed their roots as well.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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