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Whale freed from 100 feet...
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Lightbulb Upcoming Upgrade to ALWF
Posted by: Bock - 12-11-2021, 05:50 AM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (3)

Hi all! I'm sorry I haven't been around for a bit, life's been hectic. Catherine brought it to my attention that the site is in need of a software upgrade! 

I am currently looking into it and refreshing my memory on the software. I will try to get the upgrade installed as quickly as possible, but ALWF will temporarily be down while it is in progress.

I'll get it done as soon as possible! (I am pretty rusty with all of this coding stuff...wish me luck Smiley4 )

Hope you all are well!

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  Duplicate threads
Posted by: Catherine - 12-31-2020, 03:55 PM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - No Replies

In future I will be deleting duplicate threads. If you are posting on a subject you do not need to post it multiple times.

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  Links to smilies
Posted by: Catherine - 11-08-2015, 03:50 AM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (4)

I notice that we are smilie deficient since the glitch/upgrade.  I am sure we will fix it, but for now here are links to the smilies I like to use.






Have fun and express yourself!

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  Old Forum-New Forum
Posted by: Catherine - 03-04-2014, 03:38 PM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (13)

I just tested something. If you Google the old AnimalLoversWeb.com Forum, it brings you to our current site. The name is close enough that it connects. That is what I was hoping for when I chose the name. I had to pick from what was available, but the choice I made works.
I just thought I would share that with you.Biggrinsmiley

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  How to see all posts for a thread on one page
Posted by: LPC - 01-01-2014, 02:10 AM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (9)

Just in case you only see one post at a time on a thread but want to read the whole thread with all the posts in chronological order, here is what to do:

Just click on the top right of the beginning of the thread, on the box marked "Linear mode". (New members tend to get thread mode by default). This will change the view temporarily.

To change the view to linear permanently, you need to go to:

User control panel;
Edit options (in "Your profile" section);
Thread view options;
Thread view mode - select "Linear mode" in drop-down box

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  New smilies
Posted by: Catherine - 12-06-2013, 04:24 PM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (22)

Cool Now we can really express ourselves. Click on the get more and explore.Smiley5897Smiley4

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Posted by: Catherine - 11-29-2013, 02:35 PM - Forum: Animal Lovers Web Forum - Replies (18)

I guess we need to have them and as soon as I can, I will sort out what they should be. If anyone has suggestions I am open to hearing them.

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