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Art Museum for Gerbils and other animals.
A couple that are home quarantined because of the pandemic have spent their time creating an art museum for their pet gerbils.
They created little gerbil replicas of famous paintings. The furniture looks just like what you find in any art museum.
There is even a small sign asking the gerbils not to chew on things.

This is really cute. The situation is bringing out the creative side of many people. The gerbils are even having fun with it.
I can't wait to see what else creative people produce.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The creativity carries on. I found two more art museums for pets.  This time it is a gecko and a turtle.

These little museums are really very clever.
I hope I find more. It just goes to show what happens to people when they have way too much free time or rather, they slow their lives down and take time to do creative things.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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