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Wang Yan bought a dog slaughterhouse and turned it into a shelter
I could not come up with a short title for this.

The story is a bit more complicated. Wang Yan was looking for his own lost dog. He was allowed to look in the dog slaughterhouse. He came back a number of times to look and the sight moved him.
He used his money to buy the site and turn it into a shelter. Of course there were no more dogs killed and he worked to find them all homes.
He keeps the dogs healthy and happy gradually they are adopted into loving families.

It is a tremendous thing he is doing. In many ways it challenges the old ways and traditions of eating dog meat.
Hopefully his example will spread and until it does he rescues as many as he can.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I saw that on Facebook good on him.
I thought that was pretty good. Sadly his own dog was never found and I fear it was eaten. At least he turned a loss into a gain for all the needy dogs in his area.

I wish there were more like him.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(11-28-2015, 05:23 PM)Catherine Wrote: I thought that was pretty good. Sadly his own dog was never found and I fear it was eaten. At least he turned a loss into a gain for all the needy dogs in his area.

I wish there were more like him.

I couldn't find a way to reply without quoting your last comment Catherine.

I have had bad webpage loading problems for 48 hours, so errors could be happening at my end -not the site!

What a good man. I hope he has some help from colleagues or friends to run the shelter, and funds.
What he has done will make such a difference to many dogs, but I sincerely hope what he has done will make a difference also on a larger scale.

He reminds me of Mrs Yang for what he is doing.
You are right, he is like Mrs. Yang. Maybe there are more like them around than we know. I hope so because the dog meat trade needs to stop and people like Mrs. Yang are making a big difference.

Just influencing people in an area will end up changing their thinking. Some day the dogs in China will be safe and well cared for because of the people who care now.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

When my Dad was a young officer in the Merchant Navy his ship would often call into Hong Kong. One day he found himself outside what he thought was a pet shop, but was horrified to discover that it was a butcher shop with all the animals still alive and on show. There was one small dog, terrified and in a panic, so on the spur of the moment, he went in and bought it. He paid by the pound, but was insistent that the dog be alive. He took him back to his ship and introduced him to the captain who was moved by the tale and Taffy, as they called him, became a  member of the ship's compliment. He travelled the world with my Dad for about 5 years and was a firm favourite with all who met him. He mellowed into a relaxed and friendly dog. He was very firmly attached to my Dad. In those days animals had to spend 6 months in quarantine if they were to enter the UK and the time came for my Dad to come ashore and take exams to become a ship's master. He strongly felt that 6 months would be far too long for Taffy to be "locked" up as he was used to the run of the ship, and it would have proved very difficult to visit him.
During his travels in the far East my Dad and his fellow officers had always been made welcome by any American forces that they encountered and Dad had made good friends with an American Air Officer who had a family of 2 small children who loved Taffy. So he offered Taffy to this family and they jumped at the chance.
Dad told us how his heart lurched as he saw Taffy lead down the gangplank by his friend. Taffy turned to look back and wagged his tail and was then greeted with squeals of delight by the children, and was clearly happy in their company.
Years later Dad heard that Taffy had returned to the States with the family and lived out his life in the countryside of Montana.
Not a bad life for a poor little butcher shop dog. He travelled the world on ship, and then settled to retirement in the countryside.
Dad often told us this story, not for praise for saving Taffy, but because he felt guilty about having to leave the other animals behind. He said he could still hear the noise of the animals in that shop.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
What a beautiful story. I am glad your father was able to save one. If nothing else, Taffy was an ambassador for dogs destined as food. He was a happy loving dog and deserved a life. The dogs left behind deserved life too, but it wasn't possible for them. Someday it may be possible, in fact it must be possible for all the dogs destined as food to be given a chance to live.

Taffy had quite the life. Montana is very beautiful. After being a sea going dog he was as far inland as possible.
I am sure his story is told by anyone who ever met him. Who knows how many it has reached.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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