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Acquittal in Water for Pigs Trial
After many months the Trial of Anita Krajnc has come to an end. She was charged with mischief because she gave water on a hot day to pigs in a truck on the way to the slaughterhouse. She was found not guilty.  Lots of arguments were made for and against her, but all she did was give water to thirsty pigs. The judge couldn't see any harm in that.

There are some good videos in the article.

It has been a long ordeal for Anita and she must be so relieved that it is over, but this whole thing has brought a lot of publicity to the issue of animal transport and slaughterhouses.  The charges and the trial have kept animal rights issues in the news and have done a lot of good. Many people have become activists or at least committed to caring about animal rights. A lot of people have stopped eating meat or have cut down the amount.

They wanted to stop activists from helping animals, but charging one with mischief has had the opposite effect. People who were not sure about animal rights are now very clear where they stand. The number of protests has increased all over the area.
The pigs she helped are long gone and sadly have been eaten, but they will not be forgotten.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Great result! I just saw this in BBC News. Common sense has prevailed this time. This lady deserves a medal for her bravery in standing up to aggressive pig transporters.
It is very good news for Anita, bless her. She has set an example for us all.

And -just as importantly, this has set a legal precedent.
I am pretty sure they are sorry they charged her with anything. Anita's trial has brought to the public attention the abysmal animal transport laws in Canada. People are questioning the system. When they see a truck of animals go by, now they know they are going to be slaughtered and they wonder if they are suffering from hunger and thirst.

It is a great verdict. The judge was not a pro animal rights judge, he just couldn't convict her of anything. All she did was give water to thirsty pigs.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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