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Eating Animals
Eating Animals, a book by Jonathan Safran Foer, is now a movie narrated by Natalie Portman. It premiered at the Telluride Film Festival where it was given standing ovations. 
The tittle is self explanatory. It tells the truth about what it takes for us to eat an animal. Both the book and the movie have the potential to really have impact on people.

I haven't seen the movie yet, but from what I have heard it is going to be powerful. I don't know if it can make it into mainstream theatres, but it will certainly find distribution somehow. 
The book is available on Amazon. Everything is available on Amazon. It is even available in a kindle version.

They let you read a preview and it has a good style. 

I am sure the movie is well done. Look who narrated it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Such a pity the Noble Knight isn't around to comment on the book and film. He was very active on vegan issues.

I do so hope that the film gets a wide audience and gets talked about. Public opinion could be swayed, as the vast majority of humans either do not know about the terrible treatment of animals in industrial farms, or do not want to know. To be honest, I find the people who cover their ears and say, "I don't want to hear about it!" rather exasperating. I hope they do listen this time.
I wish the noble knight was here too. He would have wise words to say about this. He always had wise words.

I know what you mean about people who don't want to see or hear about something unpleasant.
My thought is: If it's so bad that you can't stand to hear about it, what about animals that actually have to live it?

I don't think there is any benefit to hiding the truth from ourselves. Why would you want to pretend that things don't happen. Pretending the world is a sweet and wonderful place for everyone doesn't make it so. I would rather know the raw truth about the world and then work to make it better.

I think this book and movie are blunt enough to reach anyone. Now we just have to get people to read/watch them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(09-05-2017, 02:48 PM)Catherine Wrote: My thought is: If it's so bad that you can't stand to hear about it, what about animals that actually have to live it?

I don't think there is any benefit to hiding the truth from ourselves. Why would you want to pretend that things don't happen. Pretending the world is a sweet and wonderful place for everyone doesn't make it so. I would rather know the raw truth about the world and then work to make it better.
Very wise and very perceptive!

I am always frustrated by people who don't want to hear about the truth. I am not talking about opinions, I mean actual facts about what goes on. They are willing to let animals suffer as long as they don't have to know about it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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