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Vandals kill 500,000 Bees
You read it right,  vandals killed half a million bees. It is bitterly cold and they smashed 50 hives and left the bees dying in the snow. They took the surveillance camera and nothing else, so it was a senseless act of violence.

Half a million bees gone! At a time when our pollinators are in danger and the death of one bee is a sad thing, how can you even respond to the loss of 500,000 bees. It is a staggering blow to the place where it happened. It is a staggering blow to the whole ecosystem. Even though they are not wild bees they are still an important part of the ecology of the area.

I admire the people who have rallied to help the bee keepers. They have raised enough money for them to rebuild.

It doesn't replace the half a million dead, but it does help. It saves the livelihood of the bee keepers and it allows them to care for more bees.

This is not the first act of hive vandalism. Maybe we are going to need armed security guards to protect bee hives in future.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Humans are, to my knowledge, the only species which commits senseless vandalism. The only exception I know of is when some pets tear up cushions or soft furnishings - but that is not the same at all. The vandalism in the article is not a show of spontaneous fun; it is deliberate, planned and designed to hurt others.

The ecological consequences of the loss of half a million bees are important, too. But it is the deliberate, planned but senseless viciousness and cruelty of this attack which worries me most.
I feel exactly the same about what happened, LPC.
I can't imagine what sort of mentality commits such an act. They are complete idiots for a start. Don't they know, that if all the bees die, they have maximum 4 years left to live? And those 4 years will be filled with deprivation unless those people are very rich, as most of the foods we take for granted will no longer be available, or their prices will be sky-high. The cost of human pollination will be added to the cost of the food and those prices will be beyond the reach of ordinary consumers.

So now, are they congratulating themselves with glee, at contributing towards their own demise?

I like bees very much, having had some unusual experiences with them in the past. This saddens me deeply. Bees feel, and they are intelligent. They are beautiful balanced creatures. Their species has a much finer consciousness than the general common denominator of humankind..
Quote:The ecological consequences of the loss of half a million bees are important, too. But it is the deliberate, planned but senseless viciousness and cruelty of this attack which worries me most.
This is not the first act of vandalism directed at bees. Vandalism is bad, but this deliberate attacking of bees is very scary.
Why would someone attack bees. They are harmless and essential to our survival. They attack the bees in the winter when they are dormant. Is it more than just senseless destruction. Are they really intending to kill bees.

Tobi you paint a very clear picture of life after bees. It won't be pretty. Too much of our food chain depends on pollinators.

Last year:

I thought I might find one or two stories of hive vandalism, but there were many more. I didn't find ones that I remember so there are others.
I didn't post all of them. Maybe armed guards for hive are not such a bad idea. It may come to that. We have to protect the pollinators.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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