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Hello Spring, Hello Autumn
Recognizing that we have members at both ends of the globe I want to recognize both seasons. They are both beautiful times of change. Spring is the beginning of new life and new growth for plants and animals. Fall is a time of completion and harvesting of all that summer produced. It is the promise of Spring fulfilled.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJrYAKFQz-j2uCIPvTpBc...elpOlMSl-g]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLT2M_RSAxSQjHDoSgBQh...rIi15Cz-Ak]

They are beautiful seasons for gentle walks.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQh8E4ivKX8tv9utjGyE1h...SVEpawiPQA]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8UICdaoYHY5fSuuFydZr...nUUrTM7NAs]

Autumn is my favourite because it is filled with the colours that make me feel more alive, but whichever season you are celebrating I wish you joy in it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am very fond of all seasons for their uniqueness.
But both the Spring and Autumn smell wonderful in completely different ways!

Happy Spring


Happy Autumn !
I agree about the seasons. I like the fact that they change. I just get tired by winter when it comes too soon and stays too long.
Winter has its special moments.

Fall is still my favourite. I love the intense colours of fall. Everywhere I look the world is decorated in my favourite colours. 
How wonderful is that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

#4 do I choose between the Spring and the Fall?

They are like two completely different beautiful characters to me.

I smell when the Spring starts, and that can sometimes be in February. Suddenly the scents outside on the air are different. I think it must be the rising sap. Or it may be the Primroses which bloom early here. Primroses have a lovely scent but they are hardly ever noticed for that as they grow so close to the ground, and people rarely go on all fours to the ground to smell them.
But when there are many of them their scent must go into the air.
Winter has quite a flat scent...then suddenly something happens. Even while it's still bitter cold many times.

And then in the Autumn, things smell like ripe fruit, even fruit that has dropped from the trees and is rotting, because the deer and Badgers have full bellies from more than enough to eat! But it never smells bad; just a "composty" scent. And in the woods, the fallen leaves also start to rot down, and the mushrooms grow, and that's a lovely dark mysterious mouldy smell. Reminding me of collecting logs in the woods while there are still fine dry days to be had.

But I have to agree -the colours of Autumn are amazing.
I love the autumn colours. But then you reminded me of spring flowers. The first sight of crocuses in the spring is special.
We wait so long for them and they last such a brief time, but they are beautiful while they last. The sight of the first Robin of spring fills us with such expectation. Seeing a first bee or butterfly is a moment of pure joy.

Let's face it the first snow fall makes us want to dance as the flakes swirl around us. Waking up to a frosted world is like waking up in a fairy tail.

The brightness of the summer flowers and the taste of summer vegetables on long summer days makes summer a time to enjoy.

That brings us back to the autumn colours and I love colour. Everywhere I look there is beautiful rich colour. Even the vegetables have beautiful colours. Pumpkins and squash and crisp apples, autumn still wins. It is the best. Especially this year when the pumpkin crop is good. You can never have too much pumpkin.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

When seeing the title name, i wondered why the admin giving an intro Smiley4 . Nice pictures, plants are amazing.
I use the intro section all the time to mention special days. Think of me as introducing Spring and Fall.
The plants are beautiful. Sadly some parts of Canada are covered in snow already.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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