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Chester was a good horse. He passed away last Monday. Sunday he had gotten colic they called the vet out. she worked on him and the owner which is my neighbors granddaughter stayed with him all night but she had a test around 2 on Monday. I don't know when she left but she wasn't there when he died. the man who the property was there and he was actually trying to calm Chester down they were keeping him roped off under the over hang of the barn in on of the paddocks. he had broken out and was running around neighbor I think I may have seen part is this. She was across the street talking to a neighbor that keep horses and boards them. but Chester ran into a pole and fell down dead. We're guessing he must have been in a lot of pain and the physical shock of hitting the pole stopped his heart. Unfortunately they weren't able to bury him that day so they had to throw a tarp over him until Wednesday when the guy with a back hoe could be there. It had warmed up too so i hear it wasn't pleasant to be over there. Also the guy had a smaller tractor than originally thought so they had to bury him where he fell. I don't need to explain the dangers of attempting to drag a well fed quarter horse anywhere. It just wasn't an option.

Enough about his death. Now about his life.

Chester was a sweet man. He was 28 we think. Horses change hands so often its hard to be sure.Chester was almost mine but my mom backed out and my neighbor's granddaughter took him. He was the horse we always put new riders on. He wouldn't jump or bolt. You could ride him bare back without a bit and be safe. We would often let him just walk free without any kind of lead. He never felt the need to run off. He knew he had it good. When I would massage him especially his head he would try to rest it on my shoulder. He was curious too. You could see it in his eyes. He was curious, gentle, and always eating. I'll miss him Sad

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Libby, I am so sorry. You are really going to miss Chester. He sounds like a beautiful gentle horse.Sad

Too bad that you never got to have him as yours, but it sounds like he had a good life and was happy. I understand that colic is very serious for a horse. He had twenty-eight good years and I am glad he had some of them with you. It sounds like you were very close.

I hope he rests in peace. Can you plant something over his grave to remember him by.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Very sorry to hear about your beloved Chester...

(Extract from a Near-Death Experience account. Horses and dogs in the spirit world ...)
'Horses and dogs were playing together and when they stopped they seemed to stare a hole right through me. I was told they were checking to see if I was the person they were waiting for that had loved them while on earth'.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
So sorry to hear of your loss of Chester. He is at peace now. healthy and happy in another place. I'm sure you will see him again one day!
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
thank you all. he was a good horse. always really healthy. which is why it was weird when I heard he was sick. everyone was. even though he was the oldest horse on the property.
It is funny how you sometimes don't see the end coming. Chester was healthy until the end and then he was gone. You kind of wish you could have more time, but the time you had was good. You will still feel like he is there sometimes for awhile and he will always be in your heart.
Goodbye sweet Chester. Rest in peace.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Dear Libby,
I am sorry to hear about your loss of Chester. What a fine boy.
That must have come as a great shock, and I am sure you will miss him tremendously.
Run free in the fields of Heaven, dear Chester Angel
I'm so sorry to hear that Chester has gone.
Run Free Dear Chester.
He'll be waiting for you when it's time.Heart
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
It is going to be a great big party some day. We all have so many friends who have crossed the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace Chester.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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