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Man sleeps at an animal shelter to raise awareness
Kris Rotonda, founder of Jordan's Way, slept at the Humane Society of Pasco County for ten days to raise awareness about the shelter and the animals they care for. He didn't just sleep at the shelter, he slept in a cage and lived in a cage with the dogs at the shelter.
They don't even have a proper shelter building for the adult dogs so he slept in an outdoor run. He posted videos about his experience and did a lot to raise awareness and to bring in help for the shelter.

That is dedication. He slept on a concrete floor with the other dogs and shared their experience. Because of what he did many animals were adopted. He helped bring in donations to the shelter so they can move towards their goal of a proper building.
This is not the first time he has done things like this. His dedication and commitment to helping animals comes from his love for Jordan, his beloved dog who died from cancer. Jordan's way is founded in his dogs memory.  Because he is willing to do anything to help, Kris has been able to make a big difference. He took his loss and his grief and he turned it into something that helps the lives of other animals and makes the world a better place.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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