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27 Dogs saved from dog meat industry meet their forever homes.
The group No Dogs Left Behind works to rescue dogs from the dog meat industry in China. This week they flew 27 dogs to New York where they were received by the people who arranged to adopt them sight unseen.  Everyone was happy at the meeting, dogs and people. 
Now that these dogs are safe, No Dogs Left Behind is working to rescue others.

It is nice to hear good news. Many dogs will not be rescued in time, but for these 27 life is going to be better. No Dogs Left Behind will not stop until they rescue every dog they can.

The group rescues dogs were ever they can in China.  The rescue dogs from slaughterhouses, they rescue them from trucks bound for slaughterhouses. They run shelters where the dogs can be healed and  then adopted into loving homes. For dogs in China, groups like this are making a difference. It will take time to end the dog meat trade in China. For the dogs they have rescued it is already over and they safe. In time they will all be welcomed into loving homes. Their name says it all, No Dogs Left Behind.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

There are some kind hearts in China, who love dogs. There are also others, the opposite of kind, for whom money from trading or eating dog meat (or both) are guiding principles.

The kind hearts are winning, but as you say it will take take time for cruel habits to disappear.
As long as there are dedicated people like No Dogs Left Behind the kind people will win. It just takes tie for kindness to overcome cruelty.
If they overcome cruelty in one area they will move on and work to overcome cruelty in another area. Kindness generates more kindness and it spreads.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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