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Abuses on safari hunts
The whole idea of a hunting safari seems abusive anyhow. However it seems they take it to new levels of horror.

Don't feel you need to actually watch the video. I did because I won't post anything I have not watched. If you do watch it, don't eat first. It is brutal.
The guys in it are really sick. They are not hunters and I just wish one of the animals would have had the strength left to turn on them and fight back. I can only hope that they die as they lived.

Sadly they probably come up to the industry standard.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

In my opinion safari hunting needs to be outright banned. I could think of many words to describe those who go in for this type of 'sport', but those words would be unprintable.

I could not bring myself to watch the video. My imagination already understands what went on there, and I couldn't face the images.

Public pressure, if it is kept at a constant level, may help to end this.
I am hoping that having open discussions about safari hunting and how abusive it is, will get people thinking. When public pressure is strong enough against something it is easier to stop it.

The video is bad and it is fairly long. It was hard to watch. These are sick people. There seems to be no limit to their depravity.

When humans are good they are very good, but when they are bad they are the worst.

All forms of guided game hunting need to stop. Seriously, what kind of person pays for the chance to kill an animal. Who would want to do that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I didn't watch the video, but I'm sure it was brutal. The only acceptable safari, these days, is for photography or just to see the animals. There is no reason or excuse to hunt these creatures any more.
As we live so will we be judged. I can only hope that it literally comes back to bite them.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
It will, Cibach, in due course. As everyone is accountable for the results of their actions and desires.
But it is hard for me to understand why any animal would act like this towards another. I honestly think that in the early days of Humankind, when people hunted for food and warm clothing, and tools, abuses like this probably didn't happen. Some humans seem to have walked down the wrong track. Their egos have become inflated, and they have too much time on their hands.
I would put them to work at an animal rescue for many years if it were up to me.
For those who couldn't bear to watch the video (I watched some of it, but had to fast forward in places as it was bad), here is a summary of the video:

"Representatives of Green Mile, owned by Awadh Ally Abdullah and Abdullah Bin Butti Alhamed of the United Arab Emirates (its website is also hosted in the UAE), can be seen in the 2012 "highlight" video above—which is somehow promotional material for the company, and which sources say is cut from a larger, two-hour raw video—shooting wildlife from jeeps, running over a baby gazelle with the jeep, allowing young children to shoot at animals, and capturing a baby zebra and torturing it while it cries and tries to get away.

Repeatedly, hunters on Green Mile Safari trips watch animals writhe as they slowly die. At one point, a hunter shoots a writhing zebra with a rifle attached to a tripod from several feet away."

Behaviour like this makes me ashamed to be human. It is also appalling that a young child can be seen killling and torturing animals on this video. He will now be desensitised to cruelty and violence for the rest of his life. I also couldn't understand why they were pulling on the tail of a dying creature for so long. Was that also for pleasure?

There is only one good piece of news: the company which made this video has had its licence revoked - although it is appealing aginast the decision...
When I watched it I had to take breaks. It was horrible.

I am glad the company has had its licence revoked. None of them are professionals as far as guiding and fire arms are concerned. What they did with the young boy is child abuse. I think running an animal down with a jeep is grounds for loss of license. The treatment of baby animals was just an unspeakable act. The baby wart hog scene was horrible.

As a species we need to move away from such cruelty. Even the cave men did not act that way. They hunted because they needed to. It is the same as the extreme cruelty in factory farms. Some part of the human race has gone down the wrong road. We can't let them run the world.
Not all children exposed to cruelty become cruel themselves. Some children from wonderful backgrounds become monsters. Some people choose cruelty. We as a species need to make a choice which way we want to go and work to stop the cruel ones. I think most will go the right way if everyone else does. It is only a small percentage that will choose the wrong way and lead others with them.

Ecotourism is so much healthier for everyone. You can go back and see the same animals over and over again.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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