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Wicked goings-on with strays in Bosnia
In Sarajevo, the Hygiene Service Lokum are taking dogs to a "Veterinary Centre"....and they are never seen again. It appears that the strays are being rounded up and destroyed. Two people who care about the dogs were physically assaulted by Lokum employees when they went to the centre in Reljevo to find out about the dogs....


Funds raised for spay/neuter/vaccinations etc by Lokum "Hygiene Service", are suspected of being misappropriated, and the dogs euthanised instead.

I promised I would publicise this.

The government does not care two hoots about the dogs, and is obviously intent on misappropriating funds and engaging in other criminal actions. Only the small number of volunteers will help those dogs the best they can.
It just keeps getting worse in Bosnia. They are doing a big dog round-up and slaughter. Smiley19 That would be cheaper than actually looking after the animals, so they get to keep the funds raised.

The country has been in a mess for so long, they can't seem to make good choices.
I hope the people working for animals in Bosnia can do something to stop this. Hopefully making it public is going to help.

Sadly the dogs probably went willing with them because dogs are so trusting. Anyone who betrays a dog's trust like that is not a good person. I can only hope life deals with them as they deserve.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The Hygiene Service, "Lokum" is a government-appointed operation. Run by a man who appears to have such a kind face! (forgotten his name now)
But a lawyer, Dalida Koslik, is filing charges against the hygiene service for their activities in Sarajevo. It is a bit less a case of "David and Goliath" with a good lawyer on the side of those who desire justice and proper treatment for the dogs.
The case can be read about here:
(Warning...there are some images and information which may be upsetting on the website.)

Meanwhile the volunteers work very hard and fight for the dogs.
This is what happens when evil people gain power. They only care about power and money. The stray dogs are someone they can have power over and they can collect money for dealing with them.

The vet is not much of a doctor. I wonder if he even is a licenced vet. If he is, he probably is not very good at it. If he is willing to take part in this then he should lose his licence.

I commend the people who are working to help the strays. They are in danger themselves. They are living in a country that has a history of not dealing well with people. The Hygiene Service sounds like a particularly nasty group.
If you hear more I want to know what happens.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm so glad that you have publicised this issue, Tobi. This case is a terrible abuse of power and shows not only callousness and cruelty, but also corruption.

Thank goodness that there are a few decent, kind and caring people in Bosnia who are seeking to protect these dogs from widespread destruction (not only by euthanisation, but also by shooting, clubbing and hanging - as shown on the website). It is great that they are fighting their corner and are publicising this appalling situation. Blessings to them! Sadly, they are in the minority.
They may be few, but sometimes it is a committed few that can change things. I hope knowing that many of us out there in the cyber world are supportive, will be an encouragement to them. They are fighting evil people. Every bit of good they do is an improvement to the situation. Every dog they save is one that the Hygiene Service did not get.
Let us hope that they, like David against Goliath will win in the end.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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