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Happy Birthday, LPC!!
Happy birthday two ewes
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Happy birthday two ewes
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.gif   sheep.gif (Size: 923 bytes / Downloads: 38)

Happy birthday dear LPC!
Happy birthday
.gif   sheep.gif (Size: 923 bytes / Downloads: 38)
.gif   sheep.gif (Size: 923 bytes / Downloads: 38)

Thank you! Love the "two ewes" (to you)! Officially retirement age tomorrow (65), but don't feel that old. I have put off receiving my state pension for a while - because I don't feel old enough.....or maybe I don't deserve it yet.....

No, just joking, I can get a bit more each week by putting off receiving it (1% extra for every five weeks not paid).
Happy birthday, dear Peter!
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
Happy Birthday LPC. Do you get a pension from your government at 65? An extra 1% for each five weeks not paid! That is impressive. I wish we had that system.

I agree, 65 isn't old, it is just seasoned and experienced. It is old enough to know what you believe and understand what is important in life. I wish you a full and happy life this year and many more to come.

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[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you so much!
(05-09-2015, 03:36 PM)Catherine Wrote: Do you get a pension from your government at 65? An extra 1% for each five weeks not paid! That is impressive. I wish we had that system.
Well, it's a good deal, if you live more than 10 years. For example, if you give up one year of pension, the break-even point is nine years after that. Anything after that is "profit". So I hope and plan to live longer than ten years more....!
Our pension system has more to do with how much you earned. The longer you work the better, but it isn't much. There is an old age pension. I believe it improves if you take it later. I haven't done the math yet. You can take a pension early here, but it will cost you for the rest of your life. I have a few years to figure out the best time to retire.

I wonder what our break even point is. Nine years isn't bad. Most of us have more than nine years left. I am amazed at the number of people I know of who are way past 90 and even past 100. The seniors residence held a party for those past 100 and there were 16 of them.
We have lots to look forward to.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am due for my state pension in June 2017. I am just going to take it because I will need it. Up until then I am self employed and make sure my insurance contributions are all paid up.
I may still work after that. I'll see how that works out. I am going to apply for a cleaning job soon, for a rental property nearby, as well as what I am already doing. I don't know if it will work out or not but if you don't ask -you don't get!
If I can still work and claim my pension... well...we will see how that goes. If I'm too tired I won't do it. I don't need a lot of money to live really.
With our pension, if you work they take money off your pension. They don't want us to have too much money.
It seems that the harder we work the less we get. Now if I work too much I end up with a smaller check because they tax me more.

The earliest I could get my pension/old age pension is 2019. I hope you can get the job you want. Getting a pension in 2017 sounds good. I hope that works out for you. Think of how much easier it would be to have a steady income.
I look forward to it. I will have more time to volunteer doing the things I want to do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(05-11-2015, 02:47 PM)Catherine Wrote: I look forward to it. I will have more time to volunteer doing the things I want to do.

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