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I found my missing baby snake!!!
I have a baby snake that is very special and I plan to keep her. So instead of a safe baby snake container, like a foolish indulgent mother, I gave her something bigger. She got out! I have seen no sign of her anywhere and it has been a week. I am starting to fear the worst.

I am giving a larger cage to a friend for his rat. He was on his way over to pick it up and I decided to get it out of the storage area. I forgot I had a glue trap down behind that cage.(I need to stop using them) When I shifted the cage there was my baby on the trap. I would never have looked there if I wasn't giving a cage to a friend.

It is an emergency situation for the snake, but I have most of the glue off. I am going to take her up to the reptile centre because they have had more experience with this. I think she is going to survive. Her eyes are alright and her jaw moves normally. Even if we don't get all the glue off right away I think she can eat and she can poop.
I think she is going to make it.

I got my baby back. It is a miracle. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

So far so good. We got most of the glue off and she looks undamaged. The rest might have too wait until she sheds.
She was hungry. It has been several weeks since she ate and she was thin. So we offered food and she ate. That is a really good sign that she is going to make it.

I can't believe I got my baby back.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'm so glad she was found, and at least she was indoors. I'm sure her recovery will be complete.
Do you think they remember their adventures and will know to avoid the glue traps if she ever ventures out again?
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I am hoping she never ventures out again, but she is a baby and they instinctively scatter to seek their own territory. They are so fragile that they have to be protected from their own foolishness.

She looks okay this morning. She ate yesterday and she didn't regurgitate so she is going to digest it. She is thin so I will feed her again on Wed. She will be so spoiled because I am going to hover over her.

I can't believe I got her back! I have been just sick about letting her out. If I had found her even a few hours later it might have been too late. Everything had to line up just right for me to find her in time to rescue her. It is my little snake miracle. I will post a picture of her later today when I load my camera onto the computer.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I know it is not a great picture. Baby snakes are hard to photograph.
You can at least see how pretty her colour is.
[Image: IMG_1350.JPG]

I will try again to get better pictures. She is so pretty.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

She is a beautiful colour, and the fact that she is eating must be a good sign.
She really is a snake miracle, long may it continue.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
She has been rubbing herself on the water dish to get the last of the glue off. It is almost all gone. She also ate again. She is starting to fill out and look like her old self. I am so relieved. My baby is going to be okay.

And I will never make that mistake again. We do things a certain way for the safety of the baby. I will stick to that. I can spoil her later when she is big enough.Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am so glad to hear your missing baby snake is found!
She was very very lucky, and thank goodness you decided to give that cage to your friend! How marvellous!
When you do good things, good things come back to you. I just never thought it would be so immediate. The little snake is doing well she has eaten enough to fill out and look fat again. Even better she is getting ready to shed. That will remove any damaged skin and underneath she will be clean and perfect.

I will try to get a good picture after her shed. She will look so bright then.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am looking forward to pictures of her wearing her 'new coat'!

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