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Goldie has gone.

Although you were only with us for 8 weeks, you had become a very important part of the herd. You were a grand old lady, full of mischief and fun. We loved you immediately and the Goldie hole is massive.
I'm sorry your people couldn't keep you but I'm so glad you came to us.
Cecil, Ruby and especially Marigold are missing you terribly, as are all your people.
Run like a pup and meet up with all our, and now your, piggy sisters at the bridge.
I am looking forward to seeing you again when it's time.

RIP dear girl.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
Run free with all your friends, Goldie! You had a great time with Cibach before you passed, and now you can run like a youngster again!
Aw! Dear little Goldie. Blessings to her Soul.
Dear little Goldie. I wish she could have stayed with you longer, but you gave her the best, most loving eight weeks of her life. I did so enjoy hearing about her.

Marigold must be heart broken. She really did open her heart to Goldie.

Cibach, you and I both have quite the herds on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I do hope they have joined together to have a giant piggie party. I look forward to greeting all my piggies and all of yours some day.
We will all be waiting together for you when you arrive.

A big hug to you and all your piggie family. I know how big a hole a tiny piggie can leave.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you all.
Catherine, what a herd it would be if they all joined up!! One huge piggy party.
I am looking forward to it, when the time comes.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
We have both lived with some real characters haven't we. The thought of all of them in one big herd is delightful. Guinea pigs love to be in herds so I think it will come naturally to them. We will be greeted by a sea of furry squeaking piggies.

I look forward to seeing them all again and meeting the piggies I have only seen in pictures.

I am sure Pigbert will be sitting in the middle with his happy smile watching everyone.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Maybe Misty and I might get invited to the massive Piggy Party?
She is a different dog now and very kind to all creatures. I think she would enjoy it especially there were a few Earth-treats involved....such as a few dog biscuits?
We can dance, and I can whistle up a good tune.....Smiley4
I might even be able to sing again beautifully when I get over there...
I think we should make a big party of it. I am sure a few hundred hamsters and a pile of cats will show up. There might be a small flock of quail. You and Misty will fit right in.

The guinea pigs will be the life of the party. A group of guinea pigs eating dinner together always looks like a party. They really know how to enjoy the little things in life.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The more the merrier. I'd love to meet Pigbert and all your herd, Catherine and I'd love to meet Misty too.
There'll be fish and butterflies too along with the dogs from my childhood, at least I very much hope there will be!!
For them it will be but a moment to wait but for us, a life time. Well lived i hope.
Greeting from Wales.
Hwyl Fawr o'r Cymru.
This is the web site of the rescue I volunteer at.
I think it is going to be even more wonderful, and probably surprising, than we can imagine at the moment.

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