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Skink blocks coal mine.
It seems that a small Australian Skink has been able to block the development of a coal mine(Okay, he had help from a snake).

It may not be a permanent block, but if they try to develop the coal mine they will have to allow for the reptiles and their needs.

It seems that over the years lots of animals and plants have been able to block development. Lots have creatures and habitats have been lost to development. It is just good to know that sometimes nature wins.

There were lots of other reasons why the coal mine is not a good idea. It just needed help from a skink(my favourite lizard groupHeart) to stop it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

And he had help from a snake...This is great Skink news! I bet those two have a story to tell, maybe even a best-seller to write!

It is good to know reptiles are getting respect! And yet more human commercial activities, which probably would have destroyed the natural land there anyway, are being ground to a halt by Skinks and their friends!
Skinks are pretty remarkable. No wonder they are my favourites.

I just think it is a really hopeful sign that big projects can be blocked by concern for any animal, plant or general habitat. We don't need another coal mine. We need to go solar anyhow.

[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Abbott won't rest until he gets his way. Wanting to go as far as changing laws so he can approve new coal mines and stuff up this country even more.

WTF is his problem? Seriously don't understand whackjobs like him and I couldn't think of one nice thing to say about him. Sick of hearing about him. Sick of sharing the same air as him. Sick of air being wasted on him when he is solely trying to destroy this country. GRRRRRRR

And something to "lighten" the mood
I really like Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin. We could use someone like her to help with our Tar sands problem.

Just possibly your government is worse than ours. But not by much. We both have scary prime ministers.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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