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Petition to stop Boknal
The Korean Dog eating festival is fast approaching.
Please sign the petition to stop it.

More info on the Boknal days

At least there are people trying to stop the slaughter.

There was a site that showed images. I didn't post it. We see so much. This is as bad or worse than the Yulin festival.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes, probably worse than Yulin. I heard about South Vietnam killing dogs cruelly a very long time ago, before Yulin even existed.

I signed the petition. The video made me feel ill and I couldn't watch it all.
I signed.
I cannot watch the videos any more. It will be impossible to ever forget what I have already seen. Though my suffering is NOTHING in comparison to what those dogs go through. We have to know. We have to keep knowing, and we must not forget.
Thank you for your fortitude Catherine, in posting this scream for help. One day such things will end. They have to. We have to fight for it.
I think it is much worse than Yulin. The level of cruelty seemed far worse. I did watch it all and looked at the pictures.

It was bad and while I posted the links last night,  I couldn't talk about it. I figured you would see for yourself.

There are links with petitions about the 2018 Olympics, demanding that they be moved. I will post them as soon as I find one.

(windows 10 is working for me, but I have had to find new ways of posting links. Sometimes I have to post a short cut to a link and it appears as a link on the forum. Sometimes I have to put something on Facebook and post a link from there. I can't seem to copy an URL directly from a web site.)

I think the real horror is the organized dog farms. They calmly and systematically go about the business of being cruel to the dogs. Clearly there is a lot of money to be made in the dog meat industry. It is all about profits. The animals are not even considered. The men working with them are deaf to their cries of pain.  These dogs do not have any hope in their eyes. All I saw was bleak despair in their eyes.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've signed many of these petitions to stop this barbaric practice. I can't watch the videos.
I wouldn't recommend watching the videos. I did it for you. I have to check them out before I post them. I do try warn people about graphic content.

I hope with the Olympics coming to Korea we have some way to reach them. Certainly we need  to boycott the Olympics. We can refuse to even watch them. Sponsors will take note of that.
We can even boycott companies that sponsored the Olympics in Korea. Companies will not want to be linked to Boknal in people's minds. We need to threaten to do that. There are things we can do to pressure the Korean Government to act against Boknal.
Sadly they all take time, something many dogs do not have.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(07-19-2016, 02:25 PM)Catherine Wrote: The men working with them are deaf to their cries of pain.  These dogs do not have any hope in their eyes. All I saw was bleak despair in their eyes.

It is so hard to understand why people can be so robotic. If it were their wives' cries of pain, or their childrens' or their parents'....they would hear. Why don't they hear the dogs? Because they are not human? How can they NOT hear? How can they witness what they do each day and what their colleagues are doing, and yet it doesn't register? Surely somewhere inside them it has to?! All for money?? I actually feel so sorry for those people also. I feel so sorry for the state of their minds.
When I send out a prayer for those dogs suffering so badly, which I do often, I always send one for the people who cause their pain too. If only they could wake up and know, even a fragment of what most of us here know..... It would never happen again.
Many people are abusive to their wives and children and they do not hear their cries of pain either. Some people are dead inside.
They would have to be dead to do the things they do. There are a lot of cold insensitive people in the world.

People who are aware and care are a newer group that is growing in numbers. We actually feel the pain and want no part of it. It is all part of the eco awareness movements that exist now. When I was a kid no one saw anything wrong with polluting and using pesticides. Now we know it hurts the earth and all that lives on the earth.

The same is true of animals and animal cruelty. Fighting the cruelty is a new phenomena.  People continued to do cruel things and no one questioned them. Now we have people who reject things like Boknal and want to stop it.

I like to think it is a sign that we are growing up.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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