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Sharks have lost a friend
Rob Stewart the maker of the movie Sharkwater disappeared while on a dive. He was making a sequel to Sharkwater to stress even further how desperate things are for sharks and why we must protect them.
We know now that Rob is dead. His body was found a couple of days ago. It has been a sad time listening and hoping for good news, but knowing that it had been too long. I am glad for his family's sake that they found his body.

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to an eco-hero who has done so much for sharks.  I don't know if his final project can be finished without him. I hope somehow it will be finished as a final tribute to someone who risked his life to help a misunderstood and cruelly treated animal. Sharks do so much good in our oceans and we hunt them to extinction.

Here is a link to the movie and other things worth reading:

RIP Rob. The world was a better place because of you. Smiley19
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a sad outcome and a great loss. Hopefully Rob's work to change the terrible fate of so many Sharks, won't be forgotten. I hope the sequel is completed as a tribute to this man's work.

Condolences to his family. 37 is very young to pass away.
Rob was still very much at the peak of his career as a film maker. He died doing what he believed in. He was a true hero for the planet, trying to save the world's sharks from senseless destruction.

Some losses are worse than others. This is one that effects us all. His work would have done so much good. It is a sad day for us all.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Rob Stewart was buried today in Toronto. Many people came together to remember him. There is hope that his film can still be completed and  that the work he started will carry on in his name.

I haven't seen his second film, Revolution, but I think it would be worth seeing.
Rob understood just how serious things are right now. The world needs more committed people if we are going to avert ecological disaster. We have lost a committed ecowarrior. I hope his example will inspire many more.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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