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Pets enjoying the snow...or not.
Some pets like snow and some don't. Some pets just don't know what to think when they see snow for the first time.

Oddly some cats seem fine with the snow and some dogs seem very much not fine with it. All of them are pretty funny.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Haha....they all have different opinions about snow!

I saw some very happy dogs racing about in the snow yesterday. They were with some people who were sledging down a hill. The dogs were certainly enjoying themselves, and had the sense to keep away from the sledges!

Meanwhile....Sally cat HATES it as usual. I arrived at midday and there were no paw prints leading to and from her cat door. That meant she had held her pee for goodness knows how long.
I got her outside and she did the longest pee I have ever seen her do! Fortunately, no ill-effects.
She made very certain she was not going to step on ANY snow, andd insisted on walking round by the walls of the building where the ground was snow-free.
What a drama! Smiley4
Of course Sally Cat hates snow. She is such a funny girl. Good thing she is not a Canadian cat. Our snow is deeper and lasts longer.

It is funny isn't it, some animals love snow and others hate it totally. I see dogs out walking who love the winter and I see some that almost have to be dragged outside.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

My rabbit seems to really enjoy snow, i have escape proofed my varanda so she's out there a while daily, the snow is allways cramped with pawprints when she is done
Entertaining and educational pet videos at TinyPetsTube. Also on YouTube with weekly animal videos
How nice that your rabbit enjoys snow! She is lucky she has a nice warm place to go back to when she gets fed up of it!

I know a cat who hates snow. She always seems to blame me for the snow, as if I created it! She refuses to go out to pee, unless I am with her....she treads in all the snow-free places, such as right next to the wall of the building, etc....and howls! Smiley12
She have figured out how the door works too. When she wants out, she goes to the door, stands in front of it, looking at me while waiting for me to open. When she wants back inside, she slaps her paws and scratches on the glass, i open door and she runs in. Kinda like a doggo Big Grin
Entertaining and educational pet videos at TinyPetsTube. Also on YouTube with weekly animal videos
Rabbits are very smart and figure things out. Bunbun loves her runs outside and she knows how to ask you to open the door when she wants out or in.  Rabbits have furry feet so maybe the snow doesn't bother them. Bunbun would have enough fur to keep her warm on a sheltered veranda. It is perfect for her. She gets her fresh air and can come in when she is ready.

Sally cat would get cold feet the moment her paws touch the snow. On course she tries to never let her feet touch the snow. It is just funny that she thinks you are responsible for the snow. 

It is touching that our pets think we control the weather like that. It is also hilarious. They really think we can do something about the weather.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yeah, her paws got a thick dense fur, like wool socks.

Did not know cat's think humans control the weather, thats funny Big Grin
Entertaining and educational pet videos at TinyPetsTube. Also on YouTube with weekly animal videos
A cat will meow at you to open the door over and over again because it figures we could open the door into summer if we wanted too. They don't look up to us admiringly like a dog would. They think we are servants that sometimes don't get it right.

In spite of that we love the cats in our lives. They keep us on our toes trying to please them.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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