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500 salmon delivered to starving grizzlies
It has been noted that there are a number of grizzly bears  north of Vancouver Island who are thin to the point of emaciation. 
In response to this volunteers have been delivering donated salmon to grizzly feeding areas. Food can be scarce sometimes and the bears may they have to work hard for it, but this is different. This is an emergency. This time of year the grizzlies feed on migrating salmon. The salmon normally migrate in such vast numbers that the grizzlies can eat their fill. However, this year so few salmon have returned that there is nothing for the grizzlies to eat. .

Since the decline of the salmon stock is mostly a human caused problem, we do have an obligation to help the animals that depend on the salmon run. It will take more than one delivery of salmon to fatten the grizzlies for winter. No doubt it will take many deliveries of fish to make a difference. A big thank-you to who ever donated the salmon.

These are extreme measures, but given the mess we have created ecologically extreme measures are called for.
I just hope it is enough.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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