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Desperate race to save the Leadbeaters Possums
Leadbeaters Possums are endangered. There are only 33 of the lowland population left. Habitat restoration is important, but the numbers are so low it is not enough. They have not been willing to breed in captivity. With all of them in one small area, they are one bushfire away from extinction. As a desperate attempt to save the species they are doing a careful relocation of small numbers to areas where they should be able to thrive. They are being fed and monitored in these areas.
The current relocation involved 5 animals in 2 groups.  An earlier relocation has resulted in baby possums. so now it is up to this group of five to populate their new  area. There is room for more possums, but only the possums can make that happen.

It is a bold move, but one that could work. If they do nothing the species will soon be gone. Our interference has brought the species to the edge of extinction.
Now we need our "interference" to bring them back.

We have brought back the Whooping Crane and the California Condor. There are Przewalski's horses in the wild again. The North American Bison have been returned to a number of locations after a near brush with extinction. I am going to really hope that this is successful.
I want ten years from now to report on a thriving number of Leadbeaters Possums.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've just read an article on this unlike our other possums they're reclusive and stick to the high country and they're also exclusive to my state of Victoria,they've just released 33 into the wild,they're also my states national emblem.
There really are rare if they are only in one state. I really hope the conservation efforts are successful.
You wouldn't want to lose your state emblem.

They are so small and vulnerable looking and totally cute.
Our provincial animal is the Common Loon, a fairly large water bird.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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