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Another Beluga Whale from Marineland has died
The marine mammals at Marineland were found to be in distress in 2021 due to poor water quality. Their one lone Orca, Kiska, a dolphin and 13 Belugas have died since 2019.
In 2021 Marineland sold five Belugas to Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut. Since the move 2 of the belugas died. One was very ill, but they were able to save her. Now a third beluga has died. Mystic Aquarium has provided the best of care, but the whales had pre-existing health conditions when they arrived.
Marineland is still under investigation.

Marineland has been deadly for these marine mammals.
Their ads say that everyone loves Marineland. No, not everyone loves Marineland. Definitely Orcas and Belugas don't love Marineland.
Even removing the whales from Marineland was not enough to save them. They had lived too long under terrible conditions.
At this point Marineland should be shut down and all animals removed from their care. It would be the right thing to do.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

We have had a number of threads over the years about Marineland. It still hasn't been closed down.

From the article you cited, Catherine: "The province’s four-year-long investigation of Marineland remains shrouded in mystery, with officials refusing to disclose details of its probe, what it is doing at the park and how the animals died." How many more must die? How much longer for the mysterious 4 year investigation to come to conclusions and to publish them?

Sadly this is how our provincial government works. Or should I say, doesn't work. They seem to be stalling about the investigation. If they actually investigated they would have to recommend the closure of the animal displays. Someone doesn't want Marineland closed. Our current provincial government is in a constant state of conflict of interest. Someone probably has a financial interest in Marineland. 

Federal law won't let them bring in more Orcas and belugas. They can't breed them or use them in shows.
Closing the park seems to be a provincial issue. I don't think this government will do it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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