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Canada geese, the best mothers ever
It is very cruel mean and unnecessary to hurt them like that. Yes they are considered 'pests' by some, but I'm not sure why. They can be quite fierce if they need to be, but who can blame them....up against humans who do these sorts of things to them?

I read a book by John Katz, about his life with a Border Collie called Devon. They went to the football field regularly for Devon to run to his heart's content, thus keeping the geese off the field, and that was very appreciated by the community.
Their 'nuisance' may only be that where they land, they poop -en-masse? I don't know. But no creature deserves cruelty like that. It is horrific.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Canada geese, the best mothers ever - by Tobi - 04-30-2016, 09:24 AM
RE: Canada geese, the best mothers ever - by Tobi - 05-01-2016, 10:12 AM

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