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Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly.
Quote:When I see things like this it makes me sick what is wrong with people, the latest thing on social media is a 12 year old girl gloating about killing African wildlife complete with pics, she said she can't see anything wrong with it if it's done ethically.
I am finding it hard to apply the work ethical to the senseless killing of an animal like this. I would be very worried if she was my child. If she is like this at 12, what will she be like as an adult?

Quote:Why do some humans have to give animals scant regard, respect and love? Is it fear-based? That what they don't understand (the wilderness) becomes a dark threat that they have to destroy?
Is it a lack of respect for the animals or a lack of respect for life itself. What kind of sense of self-worth do these people have. Do they lack self respect. Most people go through life and feel no need to kill animals. What is lacking in some people that they have this need to do such killing. I would love to do some serious psych tests on these people and see what the results are. Remember serial killers like to hurt animals too.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Man hunts bear with spear and leaves it to die slowly. - by Catherine - 08-20-2016, 02:15 PM

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