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Animal Lifetime Emergency Response Team
I just accidentally deleted the whole post before I posted it. Opps!

British Columbia has been battling fires all summer. There have been over 100 burning at once. The can suddenly change direction or move very quickly. They can join into super fires. New ones keep happening.
So there have been evacuations all summer and the shelters everywhere are full to capacity.
Rescuers are doing heroic jobs of getting animals out of danger.  It is not over, the fires are still burning and spreading.

Shelters are overwhelmed, but doing a great job.

People have little warning that they need to leave.

The impact on wildlife is going to be bad.

Farm animals were in danger as much as pets.

This has been a bad year for disasters effecting people and animals. Whether it is fire or flood people lose so much and so many animals are at risk. All people can do is carry on and rescue as many animals as possible.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Animal Lifetime Emergency Response Team - by Catherine - 08-31-2017, 02:20 PM

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