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Dogs that don't want to be left alone
Our Puce was with us almost all the time. When we went to the supermarket, she came in the car - and usually I took her for a walk whilst Tamara got the shopping. In rural France, many restaurants still allow dogs to sit under the table with their caretakers, so she often came, too! On the odd occasion when she had to be left at home, she looked a bit reproachful, but forgave us if we gave her a treat or tit-bit on our return!

As you say, Catherine, having a dog is a responsibility. It is just not right to leave a dog alone for hours on end. Some people leave their animals alone in the house for the whole day while they are at work; that is way too long. Some will sleep happily most of the time, but others feel the absence of their caretakers very severely (such as in the video), and in such cases it borders on emotional cruelty to leave them alone for long periods.

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RE: Dogs that don't want to be left alone - by LPC - 12-30-2014, 09:03 PM

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